

2015-04-30    00'58''

主播: 布莱恩教育

2629 396

告别演说——我将想念中国 Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sad that this speech is my farewell speech. Happy times always pass too quickly. My two years’ stay in China will come to an end soon. I will miss you. I will miss my students. I will miss all my friends. I will miss China. And of course, I will miss Chinese food. I will come back to China as soon as I can. Thank you for making my stay a wonderful experience. Thank you for your hospitality. Most of all, thank you for your unparalleled friendship. 女士们,先生们,这是我的告别演说,我很难过。快乐的时光总是过得太快,在中国两年的行程即将结束。我会想念你们的,我会想念我的学生,我会想念我的朋友,我会想念中国。当然,我也会想念中国的美食。我会尽快回到中国。谢谢你们给我的美好经历,谢谢你们的热情招待,最要感谢的是你们举世无双的友谊。