轻而易举的富足 第14天【中英文 男声版】

轻而易举的富足 第14天【中英文 男声版】

2015-04-14    03'01''

主播: 布莱恩教育

1527 175

DAY 14 ~ LESSON 14 I RECOGNIZE MY OWN BEST INTEREST I am aware that whatever I see is only a small part of the whole picture. Because I cannot see the whole picture, usually what I think is good for me is not, and what I think will hurt me is actually helpful. In opening myself to this knowledge, I finally understand that I can let go of taking a chance at being right or wrong, because my own best interest is what is always being served in my life. Today I give up resistance and recognize my own best interest. RECOMMENDED READING Serving My Own Best Interest Sharing the Lessons of Others ASSIGNMENT FOR DAY 14 Hug someone you normally would not hug. This is to be a sincere hug, not a quick one. What goes through your mind and how do you feel about yourself as you hug this person? Affirmation: Peace is all I desire. Remember to keep your word today.