小编之前从来没有想过,会有一部全由亚洲演员撑起来的美剧,更是没有想过这样的剧会热播并获得好评,但是,《初来乍到》的到来使不可能变成了可能!这到底是一部怎样的剧呢,Mat Talk Show会告诉你答案!
拜近来美国电视界掀起的少数族裔风潮所赐,20年后,又一部主要角色为亚洲面孔的电视剧登陆美国主流电视台黄金档,它就是ABC电视台推出的《初来乍到》(Fresh Off the Boat)。
这部单镜头情景喜剧根据华裔美国厨师黄颐铭(Eddie Huang)的回忆录《初来乍到》改编,主要描述上世纪九十年代一个台湾家庭来到奥兰多定居,华裔男孩Eddie在美国白人社区的成长故事,这个家庭里父母是台湾移民,三个儿子是出生在美国的第二代ABC。
剧名“fresh off the boat”本身是一个俗语,通常泛指新一代去美国追求“美国梦”的移民,直译就是“刚下船”。
K: hey guys, this is Katherine ,and we have Mat today.
M:Hello ,it’s me...
K:Come on ,u r not Adele , let’s get down to business .
M: u know ,it is easy to be brainwashed by this song.
K: yes,and Gladys will show us later , today let’s talk something about Fresh off the boat 初来乍到第二季在美国ABC电视台热播 ,这部剧主要描述上世纪90年代一个台湾家庭来到奥兰多定居,华裔男孩Eddie在美国白人社区的成长故事
M : I watched this TV Series by accident , I love it.
K:yeah , me too. I watched it since season 1, audience rate is good, and i havent imagned that this TV series could be so funny .
M : The hero is an eleven year old boy Eddie , and it describes changes of their new life after their family move to Orlando.
K: Mr huang was born in Taiwan ,but he is a man full of American dream ,Mrs Huang is a typical Chinese mother ,and Eddie has two brothers ,both of them are cute and smart . And eddie’s grandma is the only person who can not speak Chinese in this series.
M : They meet lots of trouble and confusing things during their life , they used to live in China Town, so they try to adjust themselves to the life around white people in Orlando.
K; Yeah , maybe we think the TV Series is fictitious, actually ,fresh off the boat was adapted by Chinese American Eddie HUANG’s real story.这部单镜头喜剧其实是根据华裔美国厨师黄亦名真实的回忆录改变。
M: it means Eddie Huang is real person? Cool.
K : Of course,his restaurant which is sold Taiwanese foods is very famous in the USA . But he says most of memoirs are not as fun as the TV Series, it sucks .
M: I know the dilemma he faces, he is a chinese , it’s hard for him to make friends in the school and adjust to the white people’s culture . But i think he’s cool as a child .
K : I agree with u , like most of American boys ,he is fond of hip hop , basketball . His idol is Shaquille O ‘ Neal沙奎尔.
M : Yeah , I can’t believe O’ Neal show up in the fresh off the boat of season2 in real! I’m so excited.
K : Yeah ,and Jeremy Lin 林书豪 is guest-starring in the fresh off the boat too , damn cool .
M: I think it means fresh off the boat achieve some success around the USA , so they can invite some famous basketball players to the show .
K: Yeah , u know the actress who plays a role of Mrs Huang is one of the most famous Chinese American actress in America now .
M: Actually , I think Mrs Huang is like my mother , so I have a special feeling about this TV Series . Maybe the role of Mrs Huang is too overstate , but is typical , she is always saving money ,she is strict to their kids , she is tough and hard to communicate ,but these weaknesses are real ,just like my mother . I love her.
K: I share the same feeling , she is like a tiger mother 虎妈 ,but she can distinguish right and wrong , teach the kids the right thing. Sometimes she can make me moving. By the way, she is pretty .
M: Yes , but unfortunately my dad is not as kind as Mr huang ,he is strict to me too .
K: Poor guy
M: i think every boy needs a father like Mr huang to teach them something , like dating girls and so on .
K: So , the reason why u r single is just that u dad haven’t taught u how to date?
M: Enn ,Dont laught at me ,u r single for 20 years
K : Mat , I hate you.
M: Fine ,I apologize to u ,do u think the actor of Mr Huang is familiar
K: of course , Kim jong-un
M: Bingo , he plays a role of Kim jong -un in the film the interview刺杀金正恩
K :Cool .some people think this TV Series is bringing shame of Chinese people ,what do u think about that
M: From my point of view ,I dont think so ,maybe some stories are overstate , but i think that’s the Americans’ impression of Chinese pepole
K: yes, the plot which impressed me most is when eddie raises the national flag of china and says lots of things to prove that china is the best ,i got moving .
M:yes, he lives in america ,but he is still remind of himself he is a chinese ,that’s cool .
K; ok , mat ,shall we call it a day today
M: sure ,and next welcome....