

2020-12-07    23'11''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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今年圣诞节期间,有不少国家出现了自行车供不应求的情况,这可能意味着很多人无法收到心仪的圣诞礼物。本文就这一现象进行了分析:疫情以来,自行车的需求为什么出现了激增?影响供应不足的主要因素是什么?一起来听今天的讲解。 英文原文 Will Santa have enough bikes for Christmas Day? 想要自行车的人太多,圣诞老人不够送了 By Justin Harper Bikes have been in hot demand this year as countries went into Covid-19 lockdowns the world over. The problem now is will there be enough to go around this Christmas? 今年,随着世界多国因新冠疫情开始封城,对自行车的需求呈现出了旺盛的状态。现在出现的问题是:这个圣诞节,能否有足够数量的自行车来满足需求? While bicycle sales shot through the roof as people took to exercising outdoors or commuting to work by pedal power during the pandemic, manufacturers struggled to keep up as factories were temporarily shut down, leading to a worldwide shortage. 疫情期间,由于人们开始习惯于进行户外活动,或依靠骑车来通勤,自行车的销量出现了飙升。与此同时,由于工厂暂时关闭,制造商们难以维持生产,全球范围内都出现了短缺。 This mismatch between rocketing demand and dwindling supply led to empty floors in bike shops, leaving many disappointed customers. While some countries have been able to relax restrictions, and production is generally back up to pre-Covid 19 levels, many bike brands still have huge backlogs to deal with. 需求激增,供应缩减,这般供需不匹配的结果便是空空如也的自行车商店,还有扫兴而归的顾客。虽然部分国家放松了限制,生产也总体恢复到了疫情前的水平,不少自行车品牌依然有大量积压订单尚未处理。 The timing is bad as Christmas is one of the busiest periods for manufacturers, as millions of children (and adults) put bikes on their wish lists. Some manufacturers have already sold out of all the bikes they can deliver in time for Christmas. 这一问题出现得也不是时候,因为圣诞节是制造商最忙碌的时期之一,而上千万的儿童(以及成人)都希望自己收到的礼物是一辆自行车。有的制造商已经售空了能在圣诞期间及时送达的全部自行车。 Looking ahead into 2021, the question is whether bike sales will continue to shoot up, or return to normal levels after Covid-19 eventually passes. 对于即将来临的2021年,自行车的销量是否会持续飙升,还是会在疫情最终过去后回归正常水平,这是一个问题。