Why the urban poor will be forced to leave big cities
By Simon Kuper
When people speculate about how the pandemic will change big cities, they mostly talk about the Zooming classes fleeing the Big Smoke. Yet there are only modest signs of this happening so far. Rather, as the pandemic enters its mass-impoverishment phase, another development looks more likely: the new poor will leave big cities. This is the exodus that could reshape urban life in the coming years.
As the poor leave, some young people (though maybe not enough) will replace them, because the metropolis remains the ideal place to start a career and play the mating game. Underused central business districts and shops will eventually be converted into homes, which will make housing cheaper and cities even more fun.
Big cities will rebound. A decade from now, low-paid service workers will fill poorer urban neighbourhoods once more. Then cities will again have to choose their response. Make these people's lives bearable by instituting a local minimum wage? Automate poorly paid functions like cleaning, care and cappuccino-making? Build cheap housing for essential workers? Or exploit yet another generation of the urban precariat?