

2020-12-15    21'44''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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上周,美国《时代》周刊宣布,将2020年度人物授予候任总统乔·拜登和候任副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯。这对政坛拍档战胜了医疗工作者、传染病专家福奇以及现任总统特朗普,最终获此殊荣。《时代》周刊年度人物的评选始于1927年,历届当选者包括个人、群体、地方甚至是机器。这项评选的宗旨究竟是什么? 英文原文 Biden and Harris Are Time’s Persons of the Year for 2020 拜登和哈里斯当选《时代》周刊2020年度人物 Time magazine on Thursday named President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as its persons of the year, citing the weight of the pandemic and racial injustice that will be shouldered by the history-making Democratic ticket. 上周四,候任总统乔·拜登和候任副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯被《时代》周刊评选为年度人物,理由是这对开创了多项先河的民主党候选人将肩负起疫情和种族歧视问题的重担。 They edged out frontline health care workers (along with the nation’s leading infectious-disease expert, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci), the racial justice movement and President Trump for the distinction. 他们险胜一线的医疗工作者(以及美国顶尖的传染病专家安东尼· S. 福奇博士)、反种族主义运动以及现任总统特朗普, 最终获此殊荣。 At a time when weekly print magazines have struggled to remain relevant in the media landscape, the marketing hype over the purely ceremonial distinction has continued to create fanfare for Time. 当今时代,纸质周刊都在传媒行业内为保有一席之地而苦苦奋斗,但围绕这个纯仪式性奖项的营销造势却在继续为《时代》周刊制造巨大的声量。 The tradition goes back to 1927, when Time named the aviator Charles A. Lindbergh its first man of the year, as the honor was then called. The magazine, which began publishing in 1923, has bestowed the distinction on presidents, peacemakers, astronauts, popes and Queen Elizabeth II, on American women and the endangered earth. 该传统要追溯到1927年。那一年,《时代》周刊将飞行员查尔斯· A. 林德伯格评选为“年度男性(man of the year)”——这是该奖项当时的名称。这本从1923年开始发行的杂志曾将该荣誉授予总统、和平推动者、宇航员、教皇、女王伊丽莎白二世、美国女性以及濒危的地球。 Time has noted that its selection process is not a popularity contest, however. Its choice reflects “the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill”. 但是,《时代》周刊表示,该评选并不是人气的比拼。它的选择反映的是“对新闻和我们的生活影响最大的人,不论是好的影响,还是坏的影响。”