

2020-12-15    05'26''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / Young people getting balder 我国2.5亿人受脱发困扰 More than 250 million people in China suffer from hair loss, with an average of one in six people losing their hair, according to data released by the National Health Commission. 国家卫健委发布的数据显示,中国有超过2.5亿人受脱发困扰,平均每6人就有1人有脱发问题。 图片 Among them is a large number of the post-90s generation. The rising number of people suffering from hair loss has fueled a surge in the wig and hair transplant markets. 受脱发困扰的人群中有大量的90后。受脱发困扰人数的上升带火了假发和植发市场。 According to the owner of one wig shop, the proportion of young consumers visiting the shop has increased from 10 percent to 25-30 percent now, CCTV reported. Unlike elderly consumers, young consumers are more concerned about their looks. 据央视报道,某假发店的老板表示,年轻消费者的比例从过去的10%增长到现在的25%到30%。而和老年客户不同的是,年轻客户会更加在意外表。 图片 And they prefer to choose products such as hairpieces or hair toppers to create a more natural look. To save receding hairlines, many people have turned to hair transplant surgery. About 57.4 percent of consumers who conduct the treatment are people born post 1990, the survey unveiled. 他们会更倾向于购买看上去更自然的假发片。为了挽救后退的发际线,很多人选择做植发手术。调查显示,在目前的植发群体中,90后占据了57.4%。 重点词汇: fuel a surge in 助长 wig 英 [wɪɡ] 美 [wɪɡ] n. 假发;要人;头脑 vt. 使戴假发;斥责 vi. 激动;发狂 hairline 英 [ˈheəlaɪn] 美 [ˈherlaɪn] n. 发际线;极细的线;细缝 adj. 极细的;差别极小的 2 / China No 1 in MOOC resources 中国慕课数量世界第一 China is committed to further opening up its MOOC resources and sharing its quality education resources with other countries and regions, Education Minister Chen Baosheng said on Friday. 教育部部长陈宝生12月11日表示,目前,中国慕课数量和应用规模已居世界第一。他指出,中国致力于进一步开放其慕课资源,并与其他国家和地区共享优质教育资源。 图片 The country now ranks first globally in the number of MOOCs and viewers, he said. By October, the country had more than 30 MOOC platforms and 34,000 such courses. 截至今年10月,我国已有30多个慕课平台,上线慕课数量超过3.4万门,学习人数达5.4亿人次,在校生获得慕课学分人数1.5亿人次。 A total of 540 million people had participated in massive online open courses, and 150 million university students had received credits through them. To cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, all Chinese universities moved teaching online during the spring semester, with 1.08 million teachers producing 1.1 million online courses, he said, adding that this laid a solid foundation for promoting the innovative development of online education and MOOCs. 陈宝生表示,为了应对****疫情,中国所有的大学将春季学期全部课程转移到网上,108万教师制作了110万个在线课程,此举也为推动在线教育和慕课的创新发展奠定了坚实的基础。 The unique advantages of MOOCs and online education have been leveraged to promote educational equity and sharing of quality educational resources so that everyone can learn whenever and wherever they want, Chen said. 慕课和在线教育的独特优势得以充分利用来推动教育公平及优质教育资源共享,实现人人皆学、处处能学、时时可学。 重点词汇: leverage 英 [ˈliːvərɪdʒ] 美 [ˈlevərɪdʒ] n. 手段,影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效率 v. 利用;举债经营 3 / Probe in moon-to-Earth trajectory '嫦五'进入月地转移轨道 China's Chang'e 5 probe on Monday completed its first orbital correction en route to Earth, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA). The orbital correction was conducted at 11:13 am when the two 25N engines on the orbiter-returner combination were operational for about 28 seconds. 来自国家航天局的消息,12月14日11时13分,嫦娥五号轨道器和返回器组合体上的两台25牛发动机工作约28秒,顺利完成第一次月地转移轨道修正。 图片 The CNSA said all systems on the orbiter-returner combination that carries lunar samples are currently in good condition. The orbiter-returner combination entered the moon-Earth transfer orbit on Sunday. When the time is right, the orbiter and returner will separate from one another, according to the CNSA. The probe's returner is expected to land at the Siziwang Banner in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region in mid-December. 目前,携带月球样品的嫦娥五号轨道器和返回器组合体各系统状态良好。12月13日,嫦娥五号轨道器和返回器组合体成功进入月地转移轨道,后续将择机实施轨道器和返回器的分离,返回器将于本月中旬着陆在内蒙古四子王旗。 4 / Time's Person of the Year 拜登组合当选'时代'人物 At some point during their time in the White House, every elected US president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has been named Time magazine's Person of the Year. 自从富兰克林•D•罗斯福以来,美国当选的每一任总统在入主白宫期间的某一个时刻都曾被选为《时代》杂志的年度人物。 图片 On Thursday evening, the publication announced that President-elect Joe Biden continues the trend - with a twist: He is the first to receive the title alongside his running-mate, Vice President-elect Kamala D. Harris. Ultra-popular K-pop band BTS has a global influence, and that star power is now being recognized by Time magazine. 当地时间12月10日晚,《时代》周刊宣布,当选总统乔•拜登延续了这一趋势,不过有一点变化:他是第一个和竞选伙伴(当选副总统卡玛拉•D•哈里斯)一同被选为《时代》年度人物的美国总统。人气火爆的韩流组合防弹少年团粉丝遍及全球,而这一明星影响力如今获得了《时代》周刊的肯定。 BTS was named Time's Entertainer of the Year for 2020. Time also announced its Athlete of the Year: LeBron James. James is not only recognized for his accomplishments on the court but for his social justice activism. 防弹少年团被评选为《时代》2020年度艺人。《时代》周刊还宣布了年度运动员:勒布朗•詹姆斯。詹姆斯不只是因为在球场上的成就而受到肯定,还因为他为社会正义运动做出的努力。 James has rallied fellow athletes to demonstrate against racial injustice and police brutality, himself wearing an "I can't breathe" shirt on the court in memory of George Floyd. 詹姆斯曾召集同行一起示威反对种族歧视和警察暴力,为了纪念乔治•弗洛伊德他曾在球场上穿过一件"我不能呼吸"的T恤。 重点词汇: activism 英 [ˈæktɪvɪzəm] 美 [ˈæktɪvɪzəm] n. 行动主义;激进主义 brutality 英 [bruːˈtæləti] 美 [bruːˈtæləti] n. 无情;残忍;暴行(需用复数形式)