

2021-01-19    05'04''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / UK driver's sandwich confiscated 英旅客食物被海关没收 Dutch TV news has aired footage of customs officers confiscating ham sandwiches from drivers arriving by ferry from the UK, under post-Brexit rules banning personal imports of meat and dairy products. 荷兰电视新闻近日播出了海关人员没收多名从英国乘渡轮抵达的司机的火腿三明治的画面。根据英国"脱欧"后的规定,个人不得携带肉类和奶制品进入欧盟。 图片 Officials wearing high-visibility jackets are shown explaining to startled car and truck drivers at the Hook of Holland ferry terminal that since Brexit, "you are no longer allowed to bring certain foods to Europe, like meat, fruit, vegetables, fish, that kind of stuff." To a bemused driver with several sandwiches wrapped in tin foil who asked if he could maybe surrender the meat and keep just the bread, one customs officer replied: "No, everything will be confiscated. Welcome to the Brexit, sir, I'm sorry." 身穿反光背心的海关人员在荷兰胡克渡轮码头向满脸惊讶的汽车和货车司机解释,自英国"脱欧"以来,"你们不再获准将肉类、水果、蔬菜、鱼类等食物带到欧洲"。一名一脸茫然的司机拿着几个用锡纸包好的三明治询问是否可以不要肉,只留下面包,一名海关官员答道:"不可以,所有东西都得没收。欢迎'脱欧',对不起了,先生。 图片 The ban came into force on New Year's Day as the Brexit transition period came to an end, with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs saying travelers should "use, consume, or dispose of" prohibited items at or before the border. Dutch customs also posted a photograph of foodstuffs officials had confiscated in the ferry terminal, adding: "Since Jan 1, you can't just bring more food from the UK." "随着"脱欧"过渡期的结束,该禁令于元旦正式生效,英国环境、食品和农村事务部(Defra)表示,旅客在边境或进入边境前应 "使用掉、消耗掉或处理掉 "违禁物品。荷兰海关还贴出了一张在渡轮码头没收的从早餐谷物到橙子的各种食物照片,并补充道:"自1月1日起,您不能再从英国带入更多的食物"。 重点词汇 1. confiscate 英 /ˈkɒnfɪskeɪt/ 美 /ˈkɑːnfɪskeɪt/ vt. 没收;充公;查抄 adj. 被没收的 2. bemused 英 /bɪˈmjuːzd/ 美 /bɪˈmjuːzd/ adj. 困惑的;发呆的 v. 使发呆(bemuse的过去式和过去分词) 3. ferry terminal 渡轮码头;车船联运港;客轮码头 2/ Singaporeans opt for e-hongbao 新加坡鼓励发电子红包 With Chinese New Year around the corner, the hongbao - or red packets - traditionally exchanged during this period are on the minds of many Singaporeans. While hongbao are usually given by hand, it has become common practice in China for relatives to send each other e-hongbao via messaging app ******. In a statement on Monday, the Monetary Authority of Singapore encouraged Singaporeans to opt for e-hongbao this Chinese New Year. "They will help to reduce queues for physical notes and are more environmentally friendly," MAS said. 春节临近,许多新加坡人惦记着包红包,发红包是过年期间的一个传统。虽然红包通常都是当面发,但在中国,亲戚之间通过通讯应用微信互发电子红包已成为普遍做法。1月11日,新加坡金融管理局(金管局)发布声明,鼓励新加坡人今年春节发电子红包。新加坡金管局表示,"这将有助于减少排队换新钞的现象,并且更加环保"。 图片 One way to send e-hongbao is via PayNow. Those who bank with Citibank, DBS Bank, OCBC Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, UOB and Maybank will soon be able to add Chinese New Year greetings when they do so. Some Singaporeans prefer gifting new physical notes but these are often returned to the banks by the public after Chinese New Year anyway. MAS estimates some 330 tons of carbon emissions are generated by the production of new notes each Chinese New Year. 发送电子红包的一种方式是通过使用电子转账服务PayNow。在花旗银行、星展银行、华侨银行、渣打银行、大华银行和马来西亚银行开户的用户,很快就可以在转账的同时附上春节祝福语。一些新加坡人更喜欢发崭新的纸钞,但无论如何,这些纸钞往往会在春节后被市民存回银行。新加坡金管局估计,每年春节因印制新钞而产生的碳排放量多达约330吨。 重点词汇 1. queues 英 /kjuːz/ 美 /kjuːz/ n. [数] 队列;行列(queue的复数形式) v. [数] 排队(queue的第三人称单数) 3/ Boeing fined $2.5B for coverup 波音支付25亿美元罚款 The US Justice Department announced on Thursday that Boeing has agreed to pay more than $2.5 billion to resolve a criminal charge related to a conspiracy to defraud regulators over the 737 MAX crashes. Boeing's $2.5-billion fine is composed of a criminal monetary penalty of $243.6 million, compensation payments to Boeing's 737 MAX airline customers of $1.77 billion, and the establishment of a $500-million crash-victim beneficiaries fund to compensate the heirs, relatives, and legal beneficiaries of the 346 passengers who died in the Boeing 737 MAX crashes of Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. 美国***1月7日表示,波音公司同意为737MAX系列客机坠毁事件中阴谋欺骗监管机构的刑事指控支付超25亿美元罚款。波音将支付2.436亿美元刑事罚款,向购买737MAX飞机的客户补偿17.7亿美元,并建立5亿美元的空难遇难者受益人基金,用于赔偿737 MAX客机在印尼狮航610航班坠机事件和埃航302航班坠机事件中346名遇难者的继承人、亲属和合法受益人。 图片 In November, the FAA cleared the Boeing 737 Max to fly again after a 20-month grounding. American Airlines flew a Boeing 737 MAX from Miami to New York with paying passengers on board on Dec 29, making the first commercial flight after worldwide grounding of the troubled aircraft. 今年11月,在停飞20个月后,美国联邦航空局批准波音737MAX型客机复飞。2020年12月29日,美国航空公司一架波音737MAX型客机执飞迈阿密至纽约的航班,成为这一型号客机在全球停飞后,恢复商业飞行的第一个航班。 重点词汇 1. defraud 英 /dɪˈfrɔːd/ 美 /dɪˈfrɔːd/ vt. 欺骗 vi. 进行诈骗 2. penalty 英 /ˈpenəlti/ 美 /ˈpenəlti/ n. 罚款,罚金;处罚 3. heir 英 /eə(r)/ 美 /er/ n. 继承人;后嗣;嗣子 4、beneficiary 英 /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəri/ 美 /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃieri/ n. [金融] 受益人,受惠者;封臣 adj. 拥有封地的;受圣俸的 4/ 2021 Best Jobs revealed 美最佳工作排行榜出炉 US News & World Report revealed its list of best jobs for 2021 on Tuesday. At a time when health care is more critical than ever, jobs from the sector dominate the list, with 42 of the 100 Best Jobs in health care or health care support roles. Health care jobs also rank high among the best jobs that pay more than $100,000 a year. After ranking No 3 since 2017, physician assistant has captured the No 1 spot, while software developer lands at No 2 after topping the list for three consecutive years. Nurse practitioner follows at No 3, while medical and health services manager debuted in the top 10 at No 4. 《美国新闻与世界报道》1月12日公布了2021年美国最佳工作排行榜。医疗保健比以往任何时候都更加重要,因此该行业的工作占据了榜单的主导地位,100个最佳工作岗位中有42个与医疗保健或医疗保健支持工作相关。在年薪超过10万美元的最佳工作排行榜中,医疗保健工作也名列前茅。医生助理夺得最佳工作排行榜榜首,该职位自2017年以来排名第3;此前连续3年排名榜首的软件工程师首度退居第2;紧随其后的是执业护士,位列第3;医疗健康服务经理首次进入榜单前10,排名第4。 图片 "One thing the global pandemic has reinforced is the need and value of health care professionals," says Antonio Barbera, consumer advice editor at US News & World Report. "This year's rankings affirm that it is a good career sector for many, with typically high median salaries and low unemployment rates." 《美国新闻与世界报道》的消费者咨询编辑安东尼奥•巴贝拉说:"全球新冠疫情提高了医疗保健专业人员的需求和价值。今年的排名肯定了这是一个对许多人来说很好的职业领域,不仅工资高,失业率还低。" 重点词汇 1. capture 英 /ˈkæptʃə(r)/ 美 /ˈkæptʃər/ vt. 俘获;夺得;捕捉,拍摄,录制 n. 捕获;战利品,俘虏 2. nurse practitioner 护理师,护师;执业护师,开业护士