沉浸式展览是近年很火爆的一种文化现象,强调给与参展者创造一种身临其境的艺术体验,曾经在上海、东京等地举办过的国际“雨屋”展,吸引了一大波年轻人争相前往体验“科技雨” 。疫情之下,很多传统博物馆面临着生存窘境。在这种情况下,还是有不少投资者,以赌徒心态投资沉浸艺术领域,看好这一行业的未来。沉浸式展览曾经有哪些爆款?是什么想让投资者放手一搏?专业人士对此持有怎样的不同看法?一起来听今天的讲解。
Entrepreneurs Bet Big on Immersive Art Despite Covid-19
By Zachary Small
Even as the pandemic takes its toll on tourism, immersive museums are expanding to new cities and wooing investors willing to gamble on the future of the emerging industry.
Fotografiska opened in December 2019, welcoming visitors to view photography exhibitions in a boozy clubhouse atmosphere complete with midnight D.J. sets. The coronavirus pandemic has brought an end to the party, but not to the Swedish company's dreams of dotting the world with its for-profit museums.
While traditional museums are discussing closures and mergers, the for-profit industry around immersive art is investing hundreds of millions of dollars into a business that currently has no audience because of the pandemic.
It's a gambit that has surprised market watchers, who see this gamble on the previous triumph of experiential art — Random International's Rain Room, which had thousands waiting for hours to experience a technology-generated rainfall — as difficult sell in a pandemic environment.
"Art is a risky enterprise, and in a period of distress, it's exactly the wrong time to expect more investment," said William Goetzmann, a professor at Yale University. "If you are a nonprofit, you can appeal to donors to safeguard cultural heritage. If you are a for-profit company, an investor expects a return that's commensurate with the risk."