

2021-03-02    22'49''

主播: Pei你慢成长

230 4

“政治化”入侵学术,让英国顶级大学无所适从  英国政府近期收紧了对华合作的管控,涉及到商业和学术研究领域。这一方面是出于所谓的国家安全的考虑,同时也是对美国日益强硬的对华政策的“跟风”。相关政策的细节非常模糊,这让剑桥、伦敦帝国理工学院等顶尖高效的校长和学者感到很困惑,他们既不知道如何落实相关规定,也担忧很多项目进展将受阻。这项政策会具体带来哪些影响?一起来听今天的讲解。   英文原文  UK academics struggle with stricter security on China partnerships  英国政府收紧对华合作审查,英国学者进退失据  By Bethan Staton, Helen Warrell, Jasmine Cameron-Chileshe  Vice-chancellors and senior leaders at UK universities say they are “in the dark” about tightening national security requirements for Chinese partnerships and are seeking greater clarity on how to navigate regulation of research and commercial work.  英国政府升级对华合作的国家安全措施,大学校长和高层领导们表示,他们对相关规定“一无所知”,也想要弄清该如何应对涉及到商业和研究工作的相关监管规定。  The call comes as several top institutions have been accused by China-focused analysts of generating research within partnerships which may inadvertently benefit the Chinese armed forces.  政府之所以发出这种呼吁,是由于一些关注中国的分析人士指责称,数所英国顶尖高校与中国有合作关系,共同开展研究,这可能无意中令中国军方受益。  Bilateral relations have deteriorated in the past five years, fuelled by increasing US hawkishness and concerns that Beijing is expanding its espionage operations in the UK.  过去5年,中英关系有所恶化,这一方面是由于英国担心中国正在扩大间谍活动,同时也受到美国日益强硬的对华政策的刺激。  The most sensitive collaborations involve “dual-use” technologies — such as facial recognition, drone or aerospace technology — which can have both civilian and military applications.  最敏感的合作涉及军民“两用”的技术,如人脸识别、无人机或航空航天技术。  Universities have long been required to obtain export control approval for partnerships focused on sensitive technologies or with certain countries. However, vice-chancellors and senior academics said the toughening regime meant more applications involving China were being rejected.  长期以来,当涉及到侧重敏感技术或与某些特定国家的合作时,各大学必须获得出口管制批准。然而,大学校长和高级学者表示,更严格的制度意味着更多涉及中国的申请将被拒绝。  Despite the guidance, they remained concerned about conflicting messages encouraging universities to be both outward-looking and guarded. One senior leader at a Russell Group institution said burdensome bureaucratic demands dissuaded staff from going ahead with some projects.  学者们表示,虽然有指南,但他们仍对相互矛盾的信息感到担心,这些信息既鼓励大学成为“外向型”大学,又要处处提防。一位任职于罗素大学集团的高级领导表示,繁重的官僚主义要求阻碍了研究人员推进一些项目。