

2017-06-07    03'43''

主播: FM715925

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想成为我们的主播,欢迎加微信 xdfbook 投稿。 一段美文,一首英文歌,或是一点生活感想,全由你做主。 《人类,请听我说》 A Letter from Earth Dear Homo Sapiens ), As you mark off ) another “Earth Day” in your calendars, content that for at least 24 hours I remained in your thoughts, I wanted to remind you that I am sick. I wasn’t just “Off sick” on 22nd April, as so many of you took time to remember; but I have an ongoing illness which is getting worse year by year, week by week, day by day and hour by hour. I’m frightened, that unless I receive the appropriate medicine and care I need soon, my illness will become terminal ) and beyond all cures. So, I am asking for your help! Geologists estimate that I have been in existence for 4.5 million years. For the most part, given the odd ice age or two, I have been flourishing and in equilibrium with ) my inhabitants. Current estimates show that I have given a home to approximately 8.7 million different species and I am proud that you want to live with me. Currently over 7.4 billion of my inhabitants are one species in particular, you, or Homo Sapiens to be more precise. In millennia gone by, we lived in harmony with one another. Your ancestors would take only what they needed from me and in return nurture and protect my fragile environment. They learnt the medicinal properties of my flora and fauna ), the abundance ) of the food I grew, and the restorative ) power of spending time connecting with me. Like a proud parent, I have watched in awe as you evolved in abilities and intellect. You have travelled to outer space, you have developed medical cures for the most troublesome illnesses, and you have built great cities and mastered technology… But at what cost? Did I do something to displease you? Was there a point in our mutual history where you decided that we were no longer equals? Am I only now a commodity ) to you? Have you forsaken ) me? I hear whispered words in corridors of “Greed”, “Human domination” and “Ego” that your culture of consumerism ) and competitiveness have led you to neglect the place you all call home. Surely this cannot be the case? Why would you destroy my forests when they are the lungs that allow you to breathe? Why would you pollute my rivers and oceans with poisons that eradicate ) your food source? Why would you pump noxious ) fumes into our environment, causing me to heat up? Surely you would not do this intentionally. It would make no sense.? I don’t wish to believe that you have become greedier and self-obsessive ). I like to think that you have temporarily lost your way, as other species have before you. I have faith that like a troublesome teenager, you just need the opportunity to return home and visit for a while. There are many of you whom I have seen do just this. You have begun to recycle and reuse the waste you consume, look at alternative ) methods of sustainable energy and “rethink” the complex and interwoven ) relationship we have always had. If you are not one of these people yet, then I would encourage you to be mindful of me. Take time to sit on the grass and bring in my warming spirit. Spend time in nature, surrounded by my abundant gifts. Take your shoes and socks off and walk around on the bare grass during your lunch break. Connect, and most importantly “Come Home!” Your friend, always Earth 亲爱的人类: 当你们在日历上再一次划掉“世界地球日”,心满意足于至少在这24个小时内曾将我挂念于心时,我想提醒你们,我病了。 我过去并非只在4月22日“病休”,因为你们许多人都费心铭记这一天;但我是患了一种进行性疾病,它正年复一年、周复一周、日复一日、时时刻刻地逐步恶化。 我万分恐惧,除非我立刻得到所需的对症医疗和护理,否则我将病入膏肓,无药可医。 所以,我在此向你们求救! 地质学家估算我已经是450万岁高龄了。鉴于有一两个奇特的冰河时代,在多数时间里,我都是一派繁荣茂盛的景象,与我的居住者们均衡发展。当前估算表明我已是约870万不同物种的家园,我很骄傲你们也人类也希望与我共同生活。 目前,我的居住者中有740多万都属于某个特殊物种,那就是你们,或者更确切地说,是人类。在过去的几千年中,我们彼此和谐共处。你们的祖先仅从我这里获取所需之物,作为回报,他们会培育并保护我脆弱的环境。他们得知了我的植物群和动物群的药用价值,认识到了我产出的食物之丰足,还发现了历时与我交流沟通后会获得的修复力量。 像一个自豪的家长一样,我一直敬畏地看着你们在能力和智力上逐步提升。你们已经能够遨游太空,你们研制出了治疗疑难杂症的许多药物,你们建成了大型都市并掌握了科技…… 但是代价是什么呢? 我可曾做过任何令你们不快的事情?我们共同的历史中可曾出现过任何问题,让你们觉得我们不再平等?我现在对你们来说只是一件商品吗?你们已经抛弃我了吗? 我曾道听途说地听到一些喃喃絮语,如“贪婪”,“人类统治”和“自我”。你们充满消费主义和争强好胜的文化已经导致你们无视被你们所有人称为家园的地方了。 想必事实不可能如此吗?你们为什么毁掉我的片片森林?它们可是你们赖以呼吸的肺。你们为什么用毒物污染我的河流和海洋?从而彻底断绝你们的食物来源。你们为什么向我们的环境中排放有毒气体?结果引起我的体温上升。当然,你们不会是有意为之——这说不通啊? 我不愿相信你们已经变得更加贪婪和自我迷恋。我愿意相信你们只是暂时迷失了方向,一如在你们之前出现的其他物种那样。我坚信,你们就像问题少年,只是需要有一次回家的机会,只是需要有人探访。 我已经看到你们中有很多人如此行事。你们已经开始回收和再利用你们产生的废弃物,考虑可持续能源的替代方法,并“重新审视”我们之间一直存在的复杂交错的关系。 如果你还不是这些人中的一员,那我会鼓励你关注我。抽些时间坐在草坪上,吸收我温暖的精气神儿。抽些时间感受大自然,置身于我丰富的馈赠中。在午休时光,脱掉鞋袜赤脚漫步在无遮无挡的草地上。 交流沟通,最重要的是:“回家!” 你永远的朋友 地球 文章摘自:《新东方英语·中学生》杂志2017年4月号