

2015-01-23    04'39''

主播: 新东方优才计划

1848 107

1. 紧张的期末到来了,有的小伙伴儿已经考完了,有的还在水深火热中挣扎。At the end of the term, some students are still struggling with finals. Are you OK? 你们还好吗?struggle with, 与什么作斗争。我们说期末考试,可以用final exams, 口语中也可以直接说finals. Alright, no matter you have finished your finals or not, it is time we laid back and listened to our story today. lay back, 放松,休息。 2. I have been broadcasting a lot of star sign stories here, and my students often asked me: “Shelly, what’s your star sign?” Ok, today my star sign, Leo. 狮子座。作为一个典型的狮子座,我每天都被自己帅哭,所以有人说我们很自恋。It is said that Leo people admire themselves too much, 太自恋了。但是没有办法,谁让狮子是万兽之王呢? 3. People who are born approximately between 23rd of July and 22nd of August come under the sign of Leo. It is time of high summer, when the sun is burning hot. 正值盛夏时节,太阳炙烤着大地。high summer盛夏时节。狮子座象征着太阳,它的守护神是太阳神Apollo. 所以狮子座的性格也如太阳一般闪耀。Leo people are generally positive富有正能量, warm-hearted很热心, open-minded思想开阔, and full of passion充满着激情. They are always kind and generous to their friends. 他们对朋友非常慷慨。Just like the lion, wherever they go, they often catch others’ eye. 狮子座所到之处总是能吸引别人的目光。Also like the sun, they enjoy bringing happiness and warmth to the people around them. My friends sometimes say when they are with me, they feel relaxed and happy. I think, this is what I want to bring to them. 4. 还记得上周的希腊故事么?Still remember our story last week? It is about Heracles, who is assigned with some tough tasks. The second task is to fight with a monster, and in that story, we learn Cancer. 上周我们讲了Heracles接到的第二个任务,这个故事中我们知道了巨蟹座。今天我们要讲他的第一项任务。 5. 这项任务是去杀死一头叫做Nemea的猛狮。这头巨狮有着混身厚皮、刀枪不入,Heracles与它缠斗好久。最后Heracles运起神力,朝巨狮的鼻子猛地一击,才把它打晕然后杀死。Heracles将这巨狮的利爪卸下、再把狮皮剥下做成战袍、狮头制成头盔,扛在肩上光荣的返回了故乡。这头狮子死后被升上天穹,成为了狮子座。 6. This is a short story. And as a Leo, I felt a little bit painful when I heard it. But anyway, I hope our hero Heracles could manage to finish all the tasks. Next week处女座 BGM:Everybody