中文名:谢晓雪 英文名:Susana
曾经担任:中国青少年作家协会北京分会副会长 主持人 星火出版社兼职编辑
兴趣特长:写作,检索词条收录作家,出版书籍;舞蹈,曾参加CRI听友见面会演出; 声乐,曾获外文歌曲比赛三等奖;器乐
作家。英语教师。擅长写作,即兴演讲,主持,舞蹈,音乐。中国作家协会鲁迅文学院少年作家班首届学员。曾任中国青少年作家协会北京分会副会长。2012年嘉宾主持中国作家协会作家曹蓉《栀子花开》新书发布会。文学作品在《民族文学》等知名刊物发表,累计发表出版文字已近百万字。2005年出版文学作品集。多次获“作家杯”全国征文大赛的奖项,蝉联三届二等奖,一届一等奖。“阿掖山杯”第二届中国青少年文学艺术奖全国作品征集大赛荣获唯一的特等奖。作品屡次收录进作家出版社,漓江出版社等知名出版社的文学选集。2013年在加拿大举办的全球“走遍天下游记及视频征文大赛”中,击败强劲对手,荣获文字游记类第二名,为国内最好名次。同年,获外研社英文诗歌翻译唯一殊荣“神译手“ 。同景杯“三沙赋”全球华人诗赋大赛,渭塘珠宝杯全球华语诗歌大赛,“净月杯”金冠诗人全国征文大赛,全国网络短篇小说征文大赛等多项国际国内优秀作品奖数十次。学生时代品学兼优,多次获得一等奖学金及优秀学生综合奖学金,多次参加中英文演讲比赛且取得名次。大学实习进入CRI轻松调频91.5担任英文编辑。全国十佳大学生,百名少年作家,收录青年作家名录辞典。文学作品曾被知名DJ选用,并已出版CD声音文字纪念专辑。
A White Rose
How come I stand alone by the river? The hazy sky is that dawn or dusk? Where can I inquire? I simply feel I am in an ocean of flowers, amid the flowers mixed a few white roses.
There she comes, she comes down from the hill. With a bunch of flowers in hands, she appears in a plain white dress with beautiful make up.
"Come hither, give you a white rose, you may pin on the lapel." I say. She beams with a word, but I can not hear. However, I seem to no pick one, and she does not wear it, holding the flowers still, she walks forward.
Looking up the path she passed, I can see both sides of the path covered with blooming flowers, drooping flowers, and fallen flowers.
I suppose white flower is better than red flower all the time; yet why didn&`&t I pick one, and she didn&`&t wear one?
What&`&s the place forward? Why not go with her?
It&`&s over, the flowers disappear, and the dream awakes, what may be ahead? If I had picked one, had she been wearing it?