0421ou 一中两外锵锵三人行
Topic:健身 你准备好了吗?
Lincoln: Now, last month was the International Health, Wellness and Fitness Expo in Shanghai. Although it’s a relatively minor event, it still prompted magazine That’s Beijing to run a feature on bodybuilding in China. Now, Michael, I know you like to keep fit [Michael: Absolutely] but this is something a little bit different, isn’t it?
Michael: Yeah, this article was really all about how bodybuilding has grown and evolved in China over the last…well, I suppose, over the last 30, 40 years to become what it is today. I mean, when you think about bodybuilding, I suppose that really started in the US in the 50s and 60s, you know, Venice Beach and things like that, people very concerned with their fitness and being as physically fit and as muscular as they could possibly be. So, I mean, in China, obviously, in the 60s and 70s, they had very different views on certain things from the US and the west, and so bodybuilding wasn’t really a thing, but afterwards, it actually developed quite quickly. China developed its first formal bodybuilding competition in 1982, called the Hercules Cup, [and] it joined the International Federation of Bodybuilding in 1986. Nowadays, in the present day, there are 10 national-level competitions every year, and around 40 more provincial-level events. If you add that up, that’s around 50, and that’s an increase of 60% in terms of the number of competitions in China in just the last two years, so it does suggest that there’s been quite a rise here, as well.
Lincoln: But there are competitions, and people kind of judge how well you can pose, and how well you can flex your muscles, but Wu You, what do you know about it?
Yoyo: I just know that bodybuilding possibly [equates] to muscles, so my question is does it mean that bodybuilding is simply about appearance?
Michael: Yeah, I think it is.
Lincoln: For the most part, it is, yeah. It is, Michael, yeah. Well, you have things like Strongman competitions and stuff like that, and most people who are genuinely strong – and see who can lift the most of this thing – they tend to look a lot different, but in China it seems like it’s very interesting as well, because while the sport has kind of taken off, it’s not necessarily that professional.
Michael: It seems that in the women’s category, the less extremely toned people are the ones that are more popular. It almost seems no different from women who just like to work out.
Yoyo: So what’s the difference between bodybuilding and modeling, in that case? Simply talking about the female bodybuilding, you talk about bodybuilding [is] equal to appearance, and then modeling is also about appearance. What’s the difference?
Michael: That’s a very good question, and actually, some might argue that in terms of women’s bodybuilding, there isn’t much of a difference, or there isn’t enough of a difference. I think the whole point about bodybuilding is, as you say, Wu You, it’s about appearance, but it’s about being as muscular as you can possibly be, and I think a lot of people feel that way, and feel that, actually, women’s body building – well, it doesn’t go far enough.
Lincoln: And one of the female bodybuilders has complained in the past, saying that, well, it’s who looks the prettiest, it’s not…
Yoyo: But that is more like a beauty contest!
Lincoln: Yes, but a beauty contest and bodybuilding are different things, though.
Yoyo: [The] growth of bodybuilding in China really points to an increased interest in health and fitness. For some, I think they simply want to be fit, or want to try to be more healthy. My questions is [would] you really like to be those kinds of people in [those] pictures, where they have shoulders as big as people’s legs, and they have lots of muscles on their bodies? Do you think that is beautiful, and do you want to achieve that level?
Lincoln: Well, I don’t think it necessarily matters. I think, for them, they want to achieve in this way, but what I will say is this kind of increased focus on your muscularity and stuff like that, it can actually lead to some sorts of disorders, you know, you’re never quite big enough. It might also be the underlying body issues feeling that.