11.#現代愛情故事#《BJ單身日記》——Colin Firth再造“達西”神話

11.#現代愛情故事#《BJ單身日記》——Colin Firth再造“達西”神話

2015-02-26    12'15''

主播: 沉墨的EvyJim

250 14

with (《BJ单身日记》那首)/ (实在不好意思,带着感冒的鼻子来录音~~听起来怪怪的) “--I don&`&t think you&`&re an idiot at all.I mean,there are elements of the ridiculous about you.Your mother&`&s pretty interesting.And you really are an appallingly bad public speaker.And you tend to let whatever is in your head come out of your mouth without much consideration of the consequences.I realize that when I met you at the turkey curry buffet that I was unforgivably rude and wearing a reindeer jumper that my mother had given me the day before.But the thing is...What I&`&m trying to say,very inarticulately is that...In fact,perhaps,despite appearances...I like you very much.” ”--Apart from the smoking and the drinking and the vulgar mother and the verbal diarrhea.“ ”--No,I like you very much,just as you are.“