American Families 美国的家庭
There have been many changes in⌒American families in the past few years. So there are many different kinds⌒of families today. There are fewer traditional families in the United States today than in the past. The traditional family includes a man and woman who are married and their children. Fewer than twenty-five percent of American homes have these traditional families.
One major influence on families is the high number⌒of marriages than end⌒in divorce. More single parents are raising their children today. There is also a high rate⌒of unmarried women having babies.
Research has found that the marriage rate in the United States is dropping. More men and women are choosing to live together and have children, but not get married. Population experts say that the number⌒of unmarried parents in the United States increased more than seventy percent in the past ten years.
Another kind⌒of American family is the stepfamily. A stepfamily includes a married man and woman and at least one child from a former marriage or relationship. Many stepfamilies include children of both the man and woman from earlier marriages and children from their current marriage.
Foster families are also a part⌒of American life. A child who does not have parents is placed in the home⌒of⌒a foster family until the child can be adopted. Adoption is the legal process by which a child becomes part⌒of a family. Many men and women who are not able to produce children will adopt a child instead. Some people who have given birth to their own children choose to give a home to other children through adoption.
Studies also show an increase in the number⌒of children who have parents of the same sex. Sometimes, one⌒of the adults is the biological [baiə'lɑdʒikl] parent(生身父母) of the child. Sometimes the children are adopted.
So, as you can see, the traditional family in the United States is changing. However, many Americans say it⌒is not important if family members are related through biology or not. The important thing in⌒a family is love.