

2016-03-20    04'10''

主播: 石头疯狂英语

2746 149

About Orders 鹦鹉学舌的规则 From the movie The Pacifier 选自电影《超级奶爸》 Shane: Listen up! Your behavior is unacceptable. In order to maintain a state of safety, we need to maintain a state of order. Babysitter: … we have one more little bite. We going to be strong mine worker when we grow up. Shane: Excuse me. Excuse me! Now, I’ve only got one rule. ①Everything is done my way. No highway option. Do you copy? Lulu: ②Do you copy? Shane: What? I said, “Do you copy?” Lulu: What? I said, “Do you copy?” Shane: ③Do not copy me. Lulu: Do not copy me. Shane: Hey, I mean it. ④Cut it out! Lulu: Hey, I mean it. Cut it out! Shane: Uh… Lulu: (quacking) Peter farted. Zoe: Oh, ⑤that is so gross. Shane: Quiet! Everybody up. (to the babysitter) That means you too. Tracking devices, never take them off. The panic button is for emergencies only. Touch that, you’d better be dying. Or you’re dead. Zoe: I would rather chew off my arm than wear that. Just because my mom is paranoid doesn’t mean that we have to take orders from you. Shane: Let me explain to you how the chain of command works. I tell you what to do and you do it! End of chain. Smart sentences ① Everything is done my way. No highway option. 一切都要听我的,不得有异议。 No highway option. 意思是:没有其它选择(no other option)。 ② Do you copy? 明白吗? 意思相当于: Do you understand?/ Do you get it? ③ Do you copy me. 别学我说话。 意思相当于:Do not talk like me. Copy 在这里的意思是imitate or mimic,模仿。 ④ cut it out! 不准再闹了! 意思相当于:stop doing that! Cut out 就是stop doing something 停止做某事的意思。 ⑤ that is so gross 真恶心 Gross一般大家都知道的意思是总的,毛重的,例如gross profit 毛利,gross weight 毛重。但是在文中的意思则是非常讨厌的 (extremely unpleasant),粗俗的(crude),恶心的(discusting).