海亮说新闻:Coca-cola bottles are switched

海亮说新闻:Coca-cola bottles are switched

2015-06-13    05'31''

主播: 海亮老师

85 13

Coca-Cola showed off its new bottle at the Expo Milano food technology conference on Wednesday. The bottle is plastic (don't actually try to eat it), but instead of using petroleum, the bottle's plastic is derived from sugar cane. 6月3日,可口可乐公司在米兰世博会食品技术会议上展出了它们的新包装瓶。这款瓶子是塑料的(记住,不可食用),但是,这种塑料的原材料不是石油,而是甘蔗。 The new Coke bottle is part of the company's efforts to make its containers from renewable ingredients. Coca-Cola debuted "Plant Bottle" packaging in 2009, which is 30% comprised of plant materials. The new Plant Bottle that Coke debuted this week is its first to be made 100% from sugar cane plastic. 可口可乐公司不断尝试使用可再生原料制作容器,新包装瓶的设计便是其中一部分。2009年可口可乐公司“植物环保瓶”首次亮相,其材质30%源于植物。本周亮相的“植物环保瓶”首次做到材质100%由甘蔗做成。 Coca-Cola said the sugar cane used in the Plant Bottles comes from Brazil. They also contain waste products from India that are left over from processing sugar cane. Though those are currently the only two sources of materials for its Plant Bottles, Coke said it is also looking at converting fruit stems, peels and bark into plastic in the future. 可口可乐公司表示“植物环保瓶”中使用的甘蔗来自巴西。同时,还有来自印度甘蔗加工后的残留废弃物。尽管目前“植物环保瓶”仅使有这两种材料来源,可口可乐公司表示它期望将来能把果茎、果皮和树皮加工成塑料。 The soda company didn't say when it would start shipping Coke in the new bottles, but Coca-Cola noted that it is partnering with biotechnology firms "to move from lab to commercial scale in producing a 100% plant-based plastic bottle." The ultimate goal, Coke said, is "a 100% renewable, responsibly sourced bottle that is fully recyclable." 该公司没有明确表示新瓶包装何时投入使用,但表示它正与生物技术公司合作“将100%植物环保塑料瓶从实验室推向大规模的商业销售。”该公司表示,最终的目标是“瓶子100%可再生、材质环保、完全可回收利用。” Since 2009, Coca-Cola says it has distributed more than 35 billion plant bottle packages in more than 40 countries. The company estimates that it has eliminated 319,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere as a result -- the equivalent of CO2 emissions from burning 743,000 barrels of oil or 36 million gallons of gasoline. 该公司表示,2009年以来,它已向全球40多个国家输送了350亿个植物环保瓶。预计这一举动可使向大气中排放的二氧化碳减少31.9万吨——这些二氧化碳排放量相当于燃烧了74.3万桶石油或3600万加仑汽油。 About 30% of Coke bottles in North America are Plant Bottles, but just 7% of Coke bottles around the world are made from plant materials. The company says its goal is to exclusively use Plant Bottles in place of petroleum-based plastic bottles by 2020. 北美可乐瓶30%是“植物环保瓶”,但全世界仅7%的可乐瓶材质来自植物。该公司表示其目标是到2020年实现植物环保瓶完全取代石油塑料瓶。 "We believe we have a responsibility to produce these packages more sustainably," the company said in a statement. "Environmental stewardship is not something new for us; it's part of our heritage." “我们认为我们有责任生产更加环保、可持续的包装,”该公司在一份声明中表示。“关爱管理不是我们的新任务;它是我们的传统。” Coke said it is working with Ford, Heinz, Nike, Procter & Gamble and SeaWorld to help those companies use more plant materials in their plastics as well. Heinz ketchup bottles, plastic cups at SeaWorld and certain test models of the Fusion Energy hybrid sedan use Plant Bottle plastic. 可口可乐公司表示它正与福特、亨氏、耐克、宝洁和海洋世界等公司合作,帮助这些公司使用植物塑料。亨氏的番茄酱瓶,海洋世界的塑料杯以及福特公司混合动力车的某些测试模型都将使用植物塑料。 "The Coca-Cola Company is determined to lead the consumer packaged goods industry away from its dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels and towards using renewable plant-based alternatives," the company said. "It hasn't been an easy task, but it shows our commitment to doing the right thing in the right way." 该公司表示:“可口可乐公司决定扭转消费品包装产业对不可再生的化石燃料的依赖局面,转向对可再生的植物性材质的选择。这项任务并不简单,但至少表示了我们坚持以正确的方式做正确事情的决心。” 解析:随着空气污染越来越严重,环保的问题也被重视了起来。如果每家公司都能够像可口可乐公司重视对于产品的环保节能,那么我们的世界才会变得越来越美丽。 Vocabulary bark: 树皮 carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳 environmental stewardship: 环境管理