Life Is a Journey
Jack London
From the hell to the heaven,
There&`&s no straight way to walk.
Sometimes up, sometimes down.
Hope creates a heaven for us,
Despair makes a hell for us.
地狱天堂路遥遥, 理想捷径无处寻。
起起落落前行路, 一线希望造天堂,
Some choices are waiting for me,
Which one on earth is better?
No God in the world can help me,
Choosing is the byname of freedom,
Different choice makes different future.
前行歧路须选择, 究竟哪条会更好?
绝无上帝可依凭, 自由别名乃选择,
It&`&s stupid to put eyes on others.
I have to make up my own mind,
Going my way to the destination.
盲随他人不明智, 吾须定夺前行路,
Facing success or failure,
It&`&s no need to care too much.
Only if I&`&ve tried my best,
It’s enough for my simple life.
纵然面对成与败, 谨记无须太在意。
只要吾已竭全力, 淡然此生无所系。