

2019-08-01    05'43''

主播: 九点有声悦读📖

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关注【九点有声悦读】获得更多的音频和文字 我们站着,不说话,就十分美好 门前 作者:顾城 How I wish, to have a door in the morning 我多么希望,有一个门口 The sun-lights shine on the grasses 早晨,阳光照在草上 We stand upon the door 我们站着,扶着自己的门扇 Low the door is, but the sun shines 门很低,但太阳是明亮的 The grass is seeding 草在结它的种子 The wind is waving its leaves 风在摇它的叶子 We just stand, without saying anything 我们站着,不说话 Everything is fine 就十分美好 Having a door, don&`&t need to open it 有门,不用开开 It belongs to us 是我们的 Everything is fine 就十分美好 In the morning, the dark keeps travelling 早晨,黑夜还要流浪 We send him the guitar 我们把六弦琴交给他 We stop moving 我们不走了 We need a land 我们需要土地 An indestructible land 需要永不毁灭的土地 We need to board on it 我们要乘着它 Spending our lifetime 度过一生 The land is rough, sometimes narrow 土地是粗糙的,有时狭隘 But it has a history 然而,它有历史 A sky, a moon 有一份天空,一份月亮 A dewdrop as well as a morning 一份露水和早晨 We love the land 我们爱土地 We stand digging the earth with the sabots 我们站着用木鞋挖着泥土 The door is warmed up by the sun 门也晒热了 We lie on each other slightly 我们轻轻靠着 Everything is fine 十分美好 The grass behind the wall has stopped growing up 墙后的草不会再长大了 Touching the sunlight with its fingertip 它只用指尖触了触阳光 声音:(中文)晗铭和(英文)红尘摆渡