荐影|神迹(something the lord made)

荐影|神迹(something the lord made)

2018-01-04    09'33''

主播: 海盐脆片

131 2

荐影|神迹(something the lord made) Alfred Blalock (1899-1964), a cardiologist (therefore, self-confident to the point of arrogance), leaves Vanderbilt for Johns Hopkins taking with him his lab technician, Vivien Thomas (1910-1985). Thomas, an African-American without a college degree, is a gifted mechanic and tool-maker with hands splendidly adept at surgery. In 1941, Blalock and Thomas take on the challenge of blue babies and invent bypass surgery. After trials on dogs, their first patient is baby Eileen, sure to die without the surgery. In defiance of custom and Jim Crow, Blalock brings Thomas into the surgery to advise him, but when Life Magazine and kudos come, Thomas is excluded. At the end of the film,thomas was finally awarded the honorary title。 阿尔弗雷德·布拉洛克(1899-1964年),一位心脏外科专家(因此,自信到了傲慢的程度),离开范德比尔特去约翰霍普金斯大学,带着他的实验室技术员维维恩托马斯(1910-1985)。托马斯,一个没有大学学位的非裔美国人,是一位天才的机械师和工具制造者,他的手非常擅长外科手术。1941,布拉洛克和托马斯迎接了蓝婴的挑战并发明了搭桥手术。在对狗进行试验后,他们的第一例手术病人是小爱琳,如果不手术则必死无疑。布莱洛克无视众人目光,将托马斯带进手术室,在手术过程中给自己提建议。手术成功了,《生活》杂志和荣誉随之而来,托马斯却被排除在外。影片最后,托马斯最终被授予博士学位并在霍普金斯名人墙上占有一席之位。 Blue baby syndrome, also known as simply blue baby, is a term used to describe infants with cyanosis, or blue-tinted skin. The condition develops when the organs, cells and tissues do not receive adequate oxygen, and the tissue begins to turn blue in color instead of pink, indicating poor oxygen levels. Although this syndrome can be fatal if left untreated, modern therapies can typically correct the problem. It occurs most frequently in infants under six months of age, but it can also affect older children and adults, in rare cases. 蓝婴综合征,简称蓝婴,是用来形容带紫绀或浅蓝色皮肤婴儿的术语。当器官、细胞和组织没有得到足够的氧气,组织就由粉色变成蓝色,这提示着低氧水平。虽然这种综合症如果不治疗就可能致命,现代疗法通常可以纠正这个问题。它最常发生在六个月大的婴儿身上,但在罕见的情况下,它也会影响较大的儿童和成人。 The most common cause of blue baby syndrome is Tetralogy of Fallot, a congenital heart condition in which four different abnormalities cause a reduction in blood oxygen. These abnormalities include ventricular septal defect (VSD), pulmonary stenosis, thickening of the right ventricle, and a displaced or deviated aorta. VSD is characterized by a hole in the wall of the two lower chambers of the heart. Pulmonary stenosis occurs when the pulmonic valve and the muscular area below the valve are narrower than normal. 蓝婴综合征最常见的原因是法洛四联症,这是一种先天性心脏病,由四种不同的畸形导致血氧降低。这些异常包括室间隔缺损(VSD)、肺动脉瓣狭窄,右心室的肥厚和主动脉骑跨。室间隔缺损的特点是心脏两个下腔的壁上有一个洞。肺动脉瓣狭窄时,瓣膜下面的肌肉区域比正常的狭窄。 Blalock-Taussig shunts, or BT shunts, are used for defects that affect the flow of blood from the right ventricle, through the pulmonary artery, and to the lungs. These include pulmonary atresia, pulmonary stenosis, and tricuspid atresia. The BT shunt is a palliative procedure. It does not correct the defect, but it helps to resolve symptoms until the child is older and/or the defect itself can be repaired. It is also called the blue baby operation. A shunt is a small tube made out of synthetic material called Gore-Tex. The BT shunt is about 3 to 3.5 cm in diameter. It attaches a section of the aorta to the pulmonary artery, creating a sort of detour. This allows enough blood to pass through the lungs and pick up more oxygen. The shunt relieves any cyanosis or blueness the child might have been experiencing. This is a closed-heart procedure. The BT shunt mimics the role of the ductus arteriosus. It is often put in place after the ductus closes naturally. Shunts are usually used for four to five months, until the child outgrows them and a second operation or definitive repair is needed. bT分流术用于影响右心室,肺动脉和肺部血流的缺陷.其中包括肺动脉闭锁,肺动脉狭窄,三尖瓣闭锁. bt分流术是一种姑息性手术,也称为蓝婴手术.它不纠正缺陷,但它有助于解决症状,直到孩子长到足够大或缺陷本身可以被修复的时候,也被称为蓝色婴儿手术。 分流管是一种由被称为戈尔-特克斯的合成材料制成的小管子。bt分流直径约3~3.5厘米。它把主动脉的一段连接到肺动脉,形成通道。这使得足够的血液通过肺部并吸收更多的氧气。分流可以缓解孩子可能经历的任何发紫或发紫。这是一个封闭的心脏手术(即在心外手术,没有打开心脏)。 Bt分流模拟动脉导管的作用,通常是在导管自然关闭后放置的。分流管通常使用四到五个月,直到超过使用寿命或二次手术或不得不修复。 On November 29, 1944, Drs. Blalock and Taussig decided to proceed with the anastomosis, or joining, of the subclavian artery to the pulmonary artery in a cyanotic child. 1944年11月29日,Blasock和Taussig医生决定将紫绀婴儿的锁骨下动脉和肺动脉的吻合或连接起来。 Dr. Helen Taussig was convinced that the operation would help the patient,and despite the technical problems of operating on a very small and very ill child, Dr. Alfred Blalock's skill was equal to the task. Blalock worked with his surgical team and his invaluable assistant Vivien T. Thomas, who stood behind Blalock and offered a number of helpful suggestions in regard to the technique employed. The tiny child who had been at such great risk survived the operation and slowly improved. Over the succeeding days she gradually became less blue. By the end of the second postoperative week it was clear she would recover. The child's mother later recalled, When I saw Eileen for the first time, it was like a miracle... I was beside myself with happiness. Operations that Followed... Dr. Blalock and his surgical team, performing an early procedure. By the third time the procedure was performed, the success of the operation had become dramatically apparent. Dr. Taussig described the third patient to receive the landmark operation "as an utterly miserable, small six-year old boy who was no longer able to walk." His skin was intensely blue, his lips deep purple. Just after the final stitches were tied and the clamps released, the anesthesiologist called out, "The boy's a lovely color now!" Dr. Taussig remembered the thrill of walking around to the head of the operating table to see those "lovely normal pink lips." She reported that after his recovery from the operation he was a happy, active child. In 1945, the first scientific paper describing the original three operations appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association and had immediate worldwide impact. The Journal of the American Medical Association (128:189, May 19, 1945) Copyright 1945 American Medical Association. In the years that followed thousands of cyanotic children were helped by the operation. Doctors from all over the world traveled to The Johns Hopkins Hospital to learn from Dr. Taussig how to make the diagnosis and from Dr. Blalock how to perform the anastomosis. The blue-baby operation brought fame to both Alfred Blalock and Helen Taussig. (资料来源:www.wisegeek.org;www.medicalarchives.jhmi.edu;中文为讲者自译,如有不当,敬请指正) Bgm-Viva La Vida 撰稿讲解:福建医科大学 淑铉铉铉