每日一词|学术评价体系 academic evaluatio

每日一词|学术评价体系 academic evaluatio

2020-02-25    03'26''

主播: 海盐脆片

229 2

每日一词|学术评价体系 academic evaluation system 教育部、科技部日前印发关于规范高等学校SCI论文相关指标使用的意见,旨在改变目前过度依赖论文发表的学术评价体系。 The Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Science and Technology have released a guideline regulating the use of papers listed on the Science Citation Index (SCI) in institutions of higher education in a move to change the current academic evaluation system that is over-reliant on published papers. 【重要讲话】 要创新人才评价机制,建立健全以创新能力、质量、贡献为导向的科技人才评价体系,形成并实施有利于科技人才潜心研究和创新的评价制度。要完善科技奖励制度,让优秀科技创新人才得到合理回报,释放各类人才创新活力。 It is necessary to reform talent evaluation methods, and to establish and improve evaluation systems for scientific and technological talents that are oriented toward innovation capability, quality, and contribution in order to form and implement evaluation systems that are conducive to scientific research and innovation. We must perfect the reward system so that outstanding talents can enjoy reasonable rewards and all kinds of innovative vitality is inspired. 【相关词汇】 创新驱动发展战略 innovation-driven development strategy 自主创新 independent innovation 科技成果转化 commercialization of scientific and research findings