每日一词|安全生产 workplace safety

每日一词|安全生产 workplace safety

2020-04-13    03'10''

主播: 海盐脆片

191 1

每日一词|安全生产 workplace safety 来源:中国日报网 近日,国务院安委会办公室、应急管理部发出通知称,随着疫情防控的常态化,要加强安全生产。根据通知,各地区要在组织复工复产的同时,扛起加强安全管理的责任。 Workplace safety should be enhanced as epidemic prevention and control becomes a regular practice, said a circular issued by the Office of the Work Safety Commission under the State Council and the Ministry of Emergency Management. Local authorities are required to shoulder responsibilities in strengthening safety management while organizing work resumption and production, according to the circular. 【重要讲话】 生命重于泰山。各级党委和政府务必把安全生产摆到重要位置,树牢安全发展理念,绝不能只重发展不顾安全,更不能将其视作无关痛痒的事,搞形式主义、官僚主义。 Life is of paramount importance. Party committees and governments at all levels should put workplace safety high on the agenda and promote safe development. Pursuing development regardless of safety or considering safety insignificant are not allowed. Formalism and bureaucratism should be avoided. ——2020年4月10日,习 就安全生产作出的重要指示 【相关词汇】 复工复产 resume work and production 有序返岗 get back to work in an orderly manner 常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control