每日一词|健康包 health kits

每日一词|健康包 health kits

2020-04-14    01'50''

主播: 海盐脆片

174 3

每日一词|健康包 health kits 来源:中国日报网 外交部表示,目前正在向中国留学人员比较集中的国家调配50万份“健康包”,包括1100多万个口罩、50万份消毒用品以及防疫指南等物资。 The Foreign Ministry is allocating 500,000 "health kits" to countries hosting overseas Chinese students, including over 11 million face masks, 500,000 epidemic prevention materials and guidelines, said the ministry. 【重要讲话】 要加强对境外我国公民疫情防控的指导和支持,做好各项工作,保护他们的生命安全和身体健康。 There should be more guidance and support to Chinese nationals overseas to protect their lives and health. 【相关词汇】 防疫物资 epidemic prevention materials 包机 charter flights 中国留学人员健康安全 health and safety of overseas Chinese students