每日一词|无症状感染者 asymptomatic coron

每日一词|无症状感染者 asymptomatic coron

2020-04-16    02'11''

主播: 海盐脆片

193 2

每日一词|无症状感染者 asymptomatic coronavirus carriers 来源:中国日报网 我国已加强对新冠病毒无症状感染者的检测、报告及管理,要求全国各地的医疗机构在2小时内报告新增无症状感染者病例,24小时内完成无症状感染者的个案流行病学调查。 China has strengthened the detection, reporting and management of asymptomatic coronavirus carriers. Medical institutions across the country are ordered to report the infection within two hours of an asymptomatic case being found, and a case epidemiological investigation should be completed within 24 hours. 【重要讲话】 各地要抓好无症状感染者精准防控,堵住所有可能导致疫情反弹的漏洞。 Targeted management of asymptomatic cases should be carried out in all parts of the country to fix all loopholes that might lead to a rebound of the outbreak. 【相关词汇】 流行病学调查 epidemiological investigation 集中医学观察 concentrated medical observation