一潭水 A Pool of Water   作者:余秀华

一潭水 A Pool of Water 作者:余秀华

2024-05-04    03'02''

主播: deborahdeborah

242 1

一潭水 A Pool of Water 作者:余秀华 这是我喜欢的时刻:黄昏深了一些,夜色尚浅 My favorite moment: dusk darkens, night still young 我的灵魂如此清澈,在树叶上滚动 My soul so clear, tumbling on a leaf 一灯一影,我如此赤裸裸地活着,影子可以更长些 A lamp and shadow: I live naked, my shadow stretches itself 留一部分供养阴影 a segment kept to feed its silhouette 的确有水从四面八方涌来,向四面八方散去 Water surges from everywhere and disperses everywhere 我在水里小幅度地摇摆 Softly I sway in water 把一些词语光亮的部分挑在草尖上 Cream off the parts with luminous words onto the tips of grass 我喜欢被诗句围困,再呕心沥血找一条出路 I like to be besieged by verses, to find a way out by working my heart out 我被什么疼爱着,不弃不离 Something loves me, it never leaves me 然而它不会流动 Yet it can’t flow 不会在一首歌里找到一座山的峰 or find a summit in a song 我们的羊群还小,叫声柔嫩。我们离夏天的果实 Our goats are young, their bleating soft. We are A hundred steps 还有百步之遥 away from summer fruits 我们活着,总会有许多这样的时刻 In our lives, there will be many moments such as these 看到自己一直忽略的部分 to see parts we ignore in ourselves
上一期: 一斛珠·洛城春晚 苏轼
下一期: 立夏