雅思口语P1 Have you ever made cakes in the past
2020-08-12 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do you like or love your hometown
2020-08-11 0评论
雅思口语P1 What do you usually do in your flat now
2020-08-10 0评论
雅思口语P2 Describe a success your friend has achieved(新)
2020-08-09 0评论
2020-08-08 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do you walk a lot recently
2020-08-08 0评论
雅思口语P1 What kinds of famous people are you interested in now
2020-08-07 0评论
雅思口语P3 Do you think people depend on phone apps too much
2020-08-06 0评论
雅思口语P2 Describe an application or program you usually use on your phone
2020-08-05 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do you often meet new people today
2020-08-04 0评论