2020-06-06 0评论
雅思口语P1 Have you ever borrowed money from others before
2020-06-05 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do you like to go to the zoo 动物园
2020-06-04 0评论
雅思口语P1 Are there any kinds of colors you dislike
2020-06-03 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do you know anything about growing a plant?
2020-06-02 0评论
雅思口语P1 Why now do you want to learn English
2020-06-01 0评论
雅思口语P3 Do you think people now are healthier now than in the past
2020-05-30 0评论
雅思口语P1 Do you like living in the countryside?雅思口语P1 Do you like living i
2020-05-29 0评论
雅思口语P3 Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisement
2020-05-28 0评论
雅思口语P1 How often do you like to take photos
2020-05-27 0评论