5阶73天 bank, the banks of the river, village
2019-01-22 0评论
5阶71天 out of..., building, come out of the building
2019-01-22 0评论
5阶72天 a photograph of..., into, go into the park
2019-01-22 0评论
5阶68天 bridge shine river
2019-01-22 0评论
5阶69天 a fine day, fly over, in the sky
2019-01-22 0评论
5阶70天 photo, photograph, another photograph
2019-01-22 1评论
5阶67天 What about...?, cloud, look at..
2019-01-22 0评论
5阶66天 run after, run across, I beg your pardon?
2019-01-22 0评论
7阶第30天 have lunch with sb., go into..., half past twelve
2019-01-22 0评论
7阶第29天 have a holiday, had, leave
2019-01-22 2评论