5阶60天 pepper cucumber salad
2019-01-02 1评论
5阶61天 shut the door, air the room, make the bed
2019-01-02 0评论
5阶62天 the dressing table, Come in., open the window
2019-01-02 1评论
5阶57天 near the door,dust,dust the table
2019-01-02 0评论
5阶59天 wardrobe,must,must do sth.
2019-01-02 0评论
5阶58天 untidy,tidy,clothes
2019-01-02 1评论
5阶55天 armchair, on the wall, on the table
2019-01-02 1评论
5阶56天 stereo,in the kitchen,in the room
2019-01-02 1评论
5阶54天 someone neighbor near
2019-01-02 1评论
5阶52天 on the left, on the right, Mrs.
2019-01-02 0评论