56 Sonnet 107- Not Mine Own Fears, Nor the Prophetic Soul
2015-01-08 0评论
55 Sonnet 106- When in the Cronicle of Wasted Time
2015-01-08 0评论
54 Sonnet 105- Let Not My Love Be Called Idolatry
2015-01-08 0评论
53 Musical Interlude
2015-01-08 0评论
52 Sonnet 104- To Me Fair Friend, You Never Can Be Old
2015-01-08 0评论
51 Sonnet 103- Alack, What Poverty My Muse Brings Forth
2015-01-08 0评论
50 Sonnet 102- My Love Is Strength'ned, Though More Weak in Seeming
2015-01-08 0评论
49 Sonnet 101- O Truant Muse, What Shall Be Thy Amends
2015-01-08 0评论
48 Sonnet 100- Where Art Thou, Muse, That Thou Forget'st So Long
2015-01-08 0评论
47 Sonnet 99- The Forward Violet Thus Did I Chide
2015-01-08 0评论