Sonnet 80- O How I Faint When I of You Do Write
2015-01-08 0评论
Sonnet 79- Whilst I Alone Did Call Upon Thy Aid
2015-01-08 0评论
Sonnet 78- So Oft Have I Invoked Thee for My Muse
2015-01-08 0评论
Sonnet 77- Thy Glass Will Show Thee How Thy Beauties Wear
2015-01-08 0评论
Sonnet 76- Why Is My Verse So Barren of New Pride-
2015-01-08 0评论
Sonnet 75- So Are You to My Thoughts as Food to Life
2015-01-08 0评论
Sonnet 74- But Be Contented When That Fell Arrest
2015-01-08 0评论
Sonnet 73- That Time of Year Thou Mayst in Me Behold
2015-01-08 0评论
Sonnet 72- O Lest the World Should Task You to Recite
2015-01-08 0评论
Sonnet 71- No Longer Mourn for Me When I Am Dead
2015-01-08 0评论