【数字33英语怎么说?】Say thirty-three. But what is thirty-three?
2015-02-22 0评论
【数字32英语怎么说?】Say thirty-two. But what is thirty-two?
2015-02-22 0评论
【数字31英语怎么说?】Say thirty-one.But what is thirty-one?
2015-02-22 0评论
【航空邮件英语怎么说?】Say airmail.But what is airmail?
2015-02-21 0评论
【邮递员英语怎么说?】Say postman? But what is postman?
2015-02-21 0评论
【邮局英语怎么说?】Say post office?But what is post office?
2015-02-21 0评论
【博彩英语成语】什么时候说pass the buck?or the buck stops here
2015-02-16 0评论
【数字30英语怎么说?】Say thirty. But what is thirty?
2015-02-15 0评论
【数字29英语怎么说?】Say twenty-nine.But what is twenty-nine?
2015-02-14 0评论
【数字28英语怎么说?】Say twenty-eight.But what is twenty-eight?
2015-02-14 0评论