JohnSmith- Rose, I call her Rose
2015-06-10 0评论
John Smith- Completely human.
2015-06-10 0评论
JohnSmith- Doctor, he‘s like the fire and ice and rage.
2015-06-08 0评论
DW308- And that's what you want me to become?
2015-06-08 0评论
DW308- What am I then? Nothing. I'm just a story.
2015-06-08 0评论
DW308- How can you think that I'm not real
2015-06-08 0评论
Martha's Theme & Rose's Theme for Solo Piano -Mark Northam
2015-06-01 0评论
10th-At the end you just get tired.
2015-05-27 0评论
10th- It‘s not the time that matters. It’s the person.
2015-05-27 0评论
bedtimestory-John(Master) up the wooden hill.
2015-05-27 1评论