DW213- Now he‘s got me.
2015-05-13 0评论
DW213 -I'll find her
2015-05-13 0评论
11- I will always remember when the Doctor was me.
2015-05-11 0评论
DW211- I should say Allons-Y more often.
2015-05-10 0评论
DW211- How long are you gonna stay with me? Forever
2015-05-10 0评论
Song丨Hey There, My Doctor
2015-05-09 1评论
Song丨Hey There, Rose Tyler - GingerTen
2015-05-09 0评论
Tardis Song - Hello, Sweetie
2015-05-09 0评论
DW210-They keep on trying to spilt us up, but they never ever will.
2015-05-08 0评论
DW210- I thought I'd lost you!
2015-05-08 0评论