

2023-03-09    07'27''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Can you think of anything that might shed a little bit of light on this for us?【Desperate Housewives S02E04】 【发音】/kæn/ /juː/ /θɪŋk/ /əv/ /ˈen.i.θɪŋ/ /ðæt/ /maɪt/ /ʃed/ /ə/ /ˈlɪt.l/ /bɪt/ /əv/ /laɪt/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /ðɪs/ /fə(r)/ /ʌs/ 【发音技巧】think of anything两处连读;that might shed两处不完全爆破;shed a连读;little闪音;bit of连读+闪音; 【翻译】你能想到什么线索,以帮助我们解决这个问题吗? 【适用场合】 今天节目当中讲的短语,我们之前在第489期节目中出现过。 > > 点我复习 < < 今天再次仔细学习一下。 shed light on sth. 类似的表达还有throw light on sth. 或者cast light on sth. 字面意思:让光线出现在……上面; 让某件事情变得更好理解,更容易明白; to reveal information or details about something; to clarify or help people understand something 揭露关于某件事情的信息、细节等等;澄清某件事,或者说清楚某件事让人们更好理解; eg: As an economist, he was able to shed some light on the problem. 作为一位经济学家,他能解释这个问题。 eg: Perhaps the brothers could cast light on that mystery. 也许那兄弟俩能够揭开那个谜团。 eg: Is there anything that Mona said that might shed some light on what happened? 莫娜说的话里面,有没有什么信息可以让我们稍微了解到到底发生了什么事? eg: We've hired a private investigator to help shed light on the clandestine dealings of the organization. 我们已经雇了一个私家侦探,帮助我们了解这个组织的秘密交易。 eg: These documents we've uncovered shed some light on how the late author's final book was meant to end. 我们发现的这些文件,让我们了解到了这位已故作家的最后一部作品原本是打算如何结尾的。 eg: This book sheds new light on the role of the CIA. 这本书使得人们对CIA的角色有了新的了解/认识。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 Can you throw any light on the matter?