EP08艾玛谈拍摄现场崩溃 (用英语说“我的内心几乎是崩溃的”)

EP08艾玛谈拍摄现场崩溃 (用英语说“我的内心几乎是崩溃的”)

2017-01-15    04'52''

主播: 英语白米FUN

57 0

大家好, 这里是由“英语白米FUN”原创出品的“新闻大牌档”!我是主播霏小主。每日趣闻抢先听,轻松地道学英文。 今天的“新闻大牌档”所关注的是谁呢?就是皮肤白皙得可以反光,衣服品位好得让人嫉妒的Emma Stone。她在昨日的一档脱口秀节目上,透露了她也曾为一个高难度的舞蹈托举动作,险些在拍摄现场崩溃。 下面我们就来听一下今天的这条英语新闻吧,顺便来学学如何用英语表达“我的内心几乎是崩溃的”? — 白米FUN闻 — Emma Stone Suffered a Meltdown Over That ‘Dirty Dancing’ Lift in ‘Crazy, Stupid, Love’ Emma Stone glided on the big screen with so much grace in La La Land. She and Ryan Gosling even won Golden Globes for their fancy moves. But it wasn’t so easy behind the scenes. Appearing on a recent TV Show, the dancing duo talked about Stone’s full-on meltdown while shooting a scene from Crazy, Stupid, Love. Who can forget when these two tried recreating the famous Dirty Dancing lift? Stone said, “I don’t know however that I have an internalized phobia of being lifted over someone’s head at the height of about 6 feet.” Meanwhile, Gosling’s recollection of the moment was definitely interesting. He said, “I’ve never had this happen, but I imagine if a possum fell out of a tree and tried to scratch your eyes out. It would be something similar.” The actress admitted her phobia came from an unfortunate accident in her gymnastics class. — 白米FUN词汇 —  full-on adj [仅用于名词前] 全面的; 不折不扣的 e.g. ~ rock'n'roll 纯粹的摇滚乐 ~glamour 光彩照人  phobia n.恐惧症 e.g. social ~社交恐惧症  recollection n.回忆 have no recollection (of sth) (= not remember) 不记得(某事) e.g. I have no recollection of that day. — 白米FUN学 —  "我的内心几乎是崩溃的"英文怎么说? 这里的关键是崩溃,用英文怎么说?其实在这篇报道里就有出现。 Appearing on a recent TV Show, the dancing duo talked about Stone’s full-on meltdown while shooting a scene from Crazy, Stupid, Love. 没错!就是meltdown!Meltdown的一个最原本的含义是融化,比如说nuclear meltdown。另一个意义是价格的暴跌,或者是行业或经济的崩溃,比如: financial meltdown 。这里的用法,也是第二个意义的引申用法,指是精神上的崩溃。所以现在知道"我的内心几乎是崩溃的"怎么说了吧?当老板又让你加班时,勇敢的吐槽一句,come on… I almost had a meltdown! 感谢收听今天的“新闻大牌档”!欢迎长按下方二维码或微信搜索RiceEnglish关注“英语白米FUN”。每天来碗白米FUN,轻松地道学英语!“英语白米FUN”微信订阅号、喜马拉雅、荔枝平台同步更新!今天就到这里,Byebye! 英语白米FUN出品:《新闻大牌档》系列 — EP02艾玛谈拍摄现场崩溃