EP09泰勒豪宅要成旅游景点啦(习语 “be cracked up to be”)

EP09泰勒豪宅要成旅游景点啦(习语 “be cracked up to be”)

2017-01-17    06'46''

主播: 英语白米FUN

164 10

大家好, 这里是由“英语白米FUN”原创出品的“新闻大牌档”!我是霏小主。每日趣闻抢先听,轻松地道 学英文。 (点击下方音频可以用耳朵听取本次推送内容哦!) 今天的“新闻大牌档”所关注的是谁呢?就是小清新Taylor Swift和她比弗利山庄豪宅。 下面我们就来听一下今天的这条英语新闻吧,顺便来学俗语表达“be cracked up to be”是什么意思。 — 白米FUN闻 — Taylor Swift’s Beverly Hills Home Is Almost a Historical Landmark Taylor Swift can add “conservator” to her long list of titles. The singer, actress, composer, philanthropist and serial surpriser has been hard at work recently, restoring her $25 million Beverly Hills home — which she bought in September 2015 — to its original 1934 condition. She did such a good job that the property, previously the family estate of iconic Hollywood producer Samuel Goldwyn, got the seal of approval by the Beverly Hills Cultural Heritage Commission — whose five members voted on Wednesday to make Swift’s “Wildest Dreams” come true and turn her new digs into a local landmark, Mansion Global reported. So just what has Swift’s architects been doing to the property over the past year? Well, plenty. The 11,000-square-foot stucco and brick house features two stories, four bedrooms and a guest suite above the garage, according to Mansion Global. The grounds also include a swimming pool, tennis court, cabana, and tool shed. The main house’s 100-year-old double-hung oversized windows have gotten a major rehab — as have the columns in the pool cabana and plaster moulding on the curved interior staircase, which were in serious need of some reconstruction, according to the outlet. The wooding fencing on the property from nearly a century ago was also reconstructed. And the wisteria foliage on part of the exterior of the house? That’s been placed onto temporary scaffolding until while workers finish the facade. “Really when this project’s done, hopefully this year sometime soon, it’s going to be really spectacular,” Swift’s architect said at the commission meeting on Wednesday. “We’ve preserved and maintained a lot of the elements and those that were deteriorating, we’ve replicated.” A historic designation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, of course. If approved, the city will have to sign-off an any future construction to ensure the historic integrity of the property is not being altered. — 白米FUN词汇 —  conservator n.管理员  digs pl. n.寓所  rehab n. 修复 e.g. ~ treatment 恢复治疗  scaffolding n. 脚手架 — 白米FUN学 —  学俗语表达“be cracked up to be” Crack这个单词最基本的意思是:“使破裂;使裂开”,例如:Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.(不要把热水倒进玻璃杯里,不然它会炸的。)到了14世纪,crack出现了一个新的含义——“充满自信地、思维敏捷地说话”,在非正式场合我们可以说crack a joke(说笑话)。一直到19世纪,才出现了crack up这个词组,意思是“表扬,称赞”,这就是我们今天要介绍的这个习惯用法中crack up的意思。 所以,cracked up to be是一个约定俗成的说法,常用于否定式。意思是generally believed to be or regarded as being(被吹捧),没有大家说得那么好。比如说文章里是说, A historic designation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, of course. If approved, the city will have to sign-off an any future construction to ensure the historic integrity of the property is not being altered. 小清新的豪宅被封为历史建筑也并没有大家想象的那么好, 因为之后房屋要做改变,都需要经过管理协会批准后,方可实施。 感谢收听今天的“新闻大牌档”!欢迎长按下方二维码或微信搜索RiceEnglish关注“英语白米FUN”。每天来碗白米FUN,轻松地道学英语!“英语白米FUN”微信订阅号、喜马拉雅、荔枝平台同步更新!今天就到这里,Byebye!