【尚友出品】托福口语TPO示范音频 TPO29 Q5

【尚友出品】托福口语TPO示范音频 TPO29 Q5

2014-11-08    00'59''

主播: 当绿July

67 20

Task 5 The flight of the women in the lecture has been delayed for 7 hours. As a result, she should have arrived last night, but she arrived this morning. She hardly had any sleep, and she is very tired. The thing is she is gonna give a 10-minute presentation 1 hour later in her history class about a paper she wrote. After the presentation, there will also be a question and answer part. There are two solutions. One is that she could talk to her professor, and tell the professor what have happened. The professor may probably let her do it on a different day. The other one is that she could just grab some coffee, and try to go thru the presentation. Personally, I prefer the second one. Although she may not be as quick and sharp as normal, she still have 1 hour to go over her notes and paper. Besides, since she has been preparing this for so long, only when she finished the presentation could she relax without any pressure.