

2016-03-07    05'36''

主播: 口语大魔王

485 14

欲调戏主播请留言,获取相关文章以及更多精彩内容,请添加微信公众号:kissnevermore.加入这个俱乐部的,除了俊男靓女以外,都是要虐翻口语的人。 R1 What to eat? A: what do you wanna have tonight? B: whatever you like. A: Salad? Steak? Meatballs? Spaghetti? B: you choose. A: How about Chinese hot pot? B: Hot pot isn’t good for my skin, I’m afraid of getting poxes on my stunning face. A: Does beef noodles sound cool to you? B: I ate it yesterday. A: What the hell do you wanna grab? B: It’s up to you. R2 Do you really care about me? A: I’m having a hard time trying to tell you what happened. I broke my legs at my workplace and Marry accompanied me tothe hospital. Plus, doctor said I might lose one of my feet!!! I can’t image my fucking life sitting in the god damn wheel chair! B: Wait, wait, wait! Did you mention marry?Who is Marry? A: Excuse me, I broke my legs! B: So, who is marry? A: WTF, I broke my fucking legs and you kept asking the stupid questions! B: Let’s go straight, who’s marry? R3 To leave or not to leave A: What happened to you babe? B: I’m cool. A: Seriously? B: Yes, leave me alone. A: Do you mean it? B: Yes, I mean it, you could go as you wish. A: Okay, I’m leaving now. B: Oh, gosh!!! You do not love me anymore,you don’t even care about me! A: You just said I could go. B: Are you a mammy’s boy? Do you obey my words like a son? A: Oh shit! what else should I do! R4 Q & NO A No.1 Who is more gorgeous, me or yr ex? No.2 Who is sexier, me or lady gaga? No.3 Why do you love me? No.4 Which one you’re gonna choose, me or 10 million bucks? No.5 If I have a face like Shrek, would you still hit on me like an animal? No.6 You like my inner soul or outer sexy body? No.7 Am I fatter than yesterday? No.8 Could I take this Chanel bag home?