

2016-03-23    06'10''

主播: 口语大魔王

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欲调戏主播请留言,获取相关文章以及更多精彩内容,请添加微信公众号:kissnevermore.加入这个俱乐部的,除了俊男靓女以外,都是要虐翻口语的人。 俚语讲解: Spill the beans: To let out/disclose a secret 撒豆子:泄露秘密 Go bananas: 同义表达go crazy, go ape , 短语解释act crazy, to become angry (去香蕉)发疯:行为抓狂,变生气。 Bad egg: a repellent person 坏人:一个令人讨厌的人,也等于bad guy Cool as a cucumber: very calm and in control of your emotions 省略了第一个as:as cool as a cucumber 冷静:非常冷静,能控制自己的情绪 Have egg on one’s face:to seem stupid because of something you have done 直译:在脸上有鸡蛋——被自己做的蠢事而蒙羞。 对话: A: I don’t know if you heard, but I have some real shit to say. B: Hold on a sec, don’t spill the beans.U had a date with Rain and Song zhongji together? A: Don’t mention it, it’s not some fresh news for me. B: What it is? You have to fill me in. A: You promise not to go bananas. B: Absolutely, you have my word. I promise I won’t. A: Jolie and Pitt are going to divorce! B: Oh, man! Are you freaking kidding me? Why is that shit going to happen? A: Because Selena, who’s like a bad egg, uses her sexy booty to attract Pitt. B: I’m losing my freaking control here! I can’t be cool as a cucumber. A:If Selena keeps doing this shit, she will have a highly potential to have egg on her face .Maybe fans will drop her like a hot potato. B:I disagree , coz die-hard fans will always be there for their idol no matter what happened.Save it. A: 你有没有听说啊,有个超级劲爆八卦。 B:等一下,先别说出来,我来猜一猜。你跟宋仲基和Rain一起约会啦? A:先别提这茬了,这又不是什么新闻了。 B:到底是什么?你快告诉我呀。 A:你保证你不会生气哦。 B:快讲啦。 A:朱莉和布皮特要离婚了! B:我去,没开玩笑吗?为什么会这样? A:因为瑟琳娜那个绿茶婊,勾引完比伯又去勾精灵王子害他跟可儿离婚,现在又来祸害皮特一家了。 B:天啊,怎么会这样,简直令人难以置信! A:她总做小三有意思吗,搞不好还掉粉呢。 B:不能够,像我这样的真爱粉才不会相信这种八卦,更不会离开她。一个单词我和你绝交。