任务1-15 "I remember when Kirsti slept between you and Papa. She was supposed to stay in her crib, but in the middle of the night she would climb out and get in with you," Annemarie said, smoothing the pillows on the bed. Then she hesitated and glanced at her mother, fearful that she had said the wrong thing, the thing that would bring the pained look to her mother's face. The days when little Kirsti slept in Mama and Papa's room were the days when Lise and Annemarie shared this bed. But Mama was laughing quietly. "I remember, too," she said. "Sometimes she wet the bed in the middle of the night!" "I did not!" Kirsti said haughtily from the bedroom doorway. "I never, ever did that!" Mama, still laughing, knelt and kissed Kirsti on the cheek. "Time to leave for school, girls," she said. She began to button Kirsti's jacket.  "Oh, dear," she said, suddenly. "Look. This button has broken right in half. Annemarie, take Kirsti with you, after school, to the little shop where Mrs. Hirsch sells thread and buttons. See if you can buy just one, to match the others on her jacket. I'll give you some kroner—it shouldn't cost very much." But after school, when the girls stopped at the shop, which had been there as long as Annemarie could remember, they found it closed. There was a new padlock on the door, and a sign. But the sign was in German. They couldn't read the words. 任务1-15译文 “我还记得,克丽丝小时候常常半夜从她的小床爬到你们床上。她本来是该睡在她的小床上的,可是到了半夜,她却爬进了你们的被窝里。”安妮把枕头抚平放到床上。她看了妈妈一眼,生怕又惹妈妈难过。克丽丝和爸妈睡在一起的时候,莉莎正和安妮睡在这张床上。   但是妈妈笑了:“我也记得,有时候她还把我们的床尿湿了!”   “我没尿湿!”克丽丝在门外高傲地辩白,“我从来没有尿过床!”   妈妈笑着弯身吻吻克丽丝的脸说:“该上学了。”她又替她扣纽扣,“啊,这个扣子已经裂了。安妮,放学后带克丽丝去席尔斯太太店里,买个相配的扣子回来。一个扣子不会太贵,我会给你一些克朗①。”   (①克朗是丹麦使用的货币名称。)   放学以后,当安妮、艾琳和克丽丝到席尔斯太太的商店的时候,却发现店门关了。这家商店从安妮记事以来就开着,怎么会突然关了?它门上新上了锁,上面还挂着一个牌子。牌子上写的是德文,她们看不懂。
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