【探案集】The Blue Diamond 06

【探案集】The Blue Diamond 06

2016-03-01    10'03''

主播: Amanda_ZY

533 35

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond 【原文】Chapter One --- An Old Hat 06 'Well, perhaps I'm slow, Holmes, but I don't understand,' I said, 'Why is he an intelligent man, do you think?' Holmes put the hat on his head. It came down to his nose. 'This is a big hat. A man with a big hat has a big head, and a man with a big head has a big brain. A man with a big brain thinks a lot.' 'But you say he was once rich and is now poor. Why?' 'The hat is three years old. I remember these hats were in all the shops then. They were very expensive too.' 'Three years ago this man bought a good hat, so he was rich then. But he has no money to buy a new hat now, so these days he is poor.' 'All right,' I said, 'But you say he is in his thirties or forties. How does the hat tell you this?' 'Well, when I looked carefully at the hat with my magnifying glass, I could see some grey hairs in it. People usually get grey hair in their thirties or forties.' 'I see. But what about his wife? You say she doesn't love him.' 'Because the hat is very dirty. When a woman loves her husband, she cleans his hat for him.' 'Perhaps he hasn't got a wife.' 'Yes, he has. Remember the ticket on the goose's leg.' 'Ah, yes,' I said. 'You have an answer for everything.' 【详解】 · brain 头脑 --- Once you stop using your brain you soon go stale. 一旦你停止用脑,你很快就会变迟钝。 · expensive 昂贵的 --- I bought a car yesterday. The car is very expensive. 昨天我买了辆小汽车,它很贵。 · in one's thirties 在某人三十多岁时 --- She is in her early thirties. 她三十出头。 · grey 灰色的 --- This is a grey suit. 这是一套灰色西装。