

2016-11-20    19'20''

主播: 子儿君

190 7

《中年人的寂寞》-节选 (要点摘要网上有,沪江英语,大家可以自学哟) 不消说,相识的人数是随了年龄增加的,一个人年龄越大,走过的地方当过的职务越多,相识的人理该越增加了。可是相识的人并不就是朋友。我们和许多人相识,或是因为事务关系,或是因了偶然的机缘——如在别人请客的时候同席吃过饭之类。见面时点头或握手,有事时走访或通信,口头上彼此也称为“朋友”,笔头上有时或称“仁兄”,诸如此类,其实只是一种社交上的客套,和“顿首”“百拜”同是仪式的虚伪。这种交际可以说是社交,和真正的友谊相差似乎很远。 Needless to say, the number of acquaintances increases with one's age. The older one gets, the more widely traveled one is and the more work experience one has, the more acquaintances one is supposed to have. But not all acquaintances are friends. We come to know many people either in the way of business or by mere chance –say, having been at the same table at a dinner party. We may be on nodding or hand-shaking terms, call each other "friend", sometimes write to each other with the salutation of "Dear So-and-So", etc., etc. All these are, in fact, nothing but civilities of social life, as hypocritical as the polite formula dunshou (kowtow) or baibai (a hundred greetings) used after the signature in old-fashioned Chinese letter-writing. We may call them social intercourse, but they seem to have very little in common with genuine friendship. 要点: 1,“我们和许多人相识,或是因为事务关系,或是因了偶然的机缘…”译为“We come to know many people either in the way of business or by mere chance –say, having been at the same table at a dinner party. ”其中in the way of,意为“为了,关于,以…的方法”表示此处的“因了” 2,We may be on nodding or hand-shaking terms,on terms,中的“be on…terms with”意为“与…是什么关系”,term与terms 在意思上有所区别前者可做“术语,时期,时限”,后者意为“条款,条件,关系”注意区分~ 3,“笔头上称”= write to each other with the salutation of "Dear So-and-So",还有一种说法表示“笔头上的”即be written~如Many things have been written and said of the natural beauty and charms of Los Angeles.(洛杉矶的自然之美以及吸引力使它获得了许多来自笔头以及口头上的褒奖。)written单独也可表示“笔头上,口头上,书面上的”,如“written homework”书面作业 4,“和‘顿首’‘百拜’同是仪式的虚0伪”,“顿首”,“百拜”用释义译法译为dunshou (kowtow) or baibai (a hundred greetings) used after the signature in old-fashioned Chinese letter-writing.这种译法常出现于文学翻译中。 顿首,就是我们说的磕头,也叫“稽首” 5,相去甚远=have little in common with, little 表示“甚少”的用法又粗现啦~ 真正的朋友,恐怕要算“总角之交”或“竹马之交”了。在小学和中学的时代容易结成真实的友谊,那时彼此尚不感到生活的压迫,入世未深,打算计较的念头也少,朋友结成全由于志趣相近或性情适合,差不多可以说是“无所为”的,性质比较地纯粹。 Real friendship between two persons originates perhaps from the time of life when they were children playing innocently together. Real friendship is easily formed in primary or middle school days when, being socially inexperienced and free from the burden of life, you give little thought to personal gains or losses, and make friends entirely as a result of similar tastes and interests or congenial disposition. It is sort of "friendship for friendship's sake" and is relatively pure in nature. 要点: 1,“总角之交”或“竹马之交”采用意译法处理。译为Real friendship between two persons originates perhaps from the time of life when they were children playing innocently together.《诗经》中把儿童发髻称为“角”,后人们习惯称童年时代为“总角”。 2,涉世未深=being socially inexperienced and free from the burden of life 3,打算计较的念头也少=“不计较个人得失”=give little thought to personal gains and losses,注意这里的Little又出现了哦,表示“少”。 4,“朋友结成全由于志趣相近或性情适合”,这里的“由于”译为了as a result of,这种替换because of 的用法也值得积累~ 5,“差不多可以说是‘无所为’的”译为It is sort of "friendship for friendship's sake"中对于“无所为”的理解应是“无条件的,无目的的”,故采用了句式for…one’s sake(为了…),意为“为了友谊而友谊”,也就是无条件无目的的友谊~在冰心的《话说短文》中有句“为了写作而写作”译为“if one writes simply for the sake of writing”也显示了这个意思。 二十岁以后结成的友谊,大概已不免搀有各种各样的颜色分子在内;至于三十岁四十岁以后的朋友中间,颜色分子愈多,友谊的真实成分也就不免因而愈少了。 Friendship among people in their 20's, however, is more or less colored by personal motives. And friendship among those aged over 30 becomes correspondingly still less pure as it gets even more colored. 1,“大概已不免搀有各种各样的颜色分子在内”=“或多或少都加入了个人动机”译为is more or less colored by personal motives,注意colour在此的动词用法,没想到吧~~这就是文学用词的灵活性 2,aged over做后置定语表示“…岁以上的”,如: There are 21 million people aged over 50 in Britain.英国年过五十的人有两千一百万。 3,“颜色分子愈多,友谊的真实成分也就不免因而愈少了”这里的“愈…愈…”并没有译为the more ,the more结构,体现了文学翻译句式的灵活性,值得我们借鉴 这并不一定是“人心不古”,实可以说是人生的悲剧。人到了成年以后,彼此都有生活的重担须负,入世既不许你不打算,结果彼此都“钩心斗角”,像七巧板似地只选定了某一方面和对方去接合。这样的接合当然是很不坚固的,尤其是现代这样什么都到了尖锐化的时代。 Though this is not necessarily due to "degeneration of public morality", I do have good reasons to call it the tragedy of life. People at middle age, with the heavy burden of life and much experience in the ways of the world, have more scruples about this and that, and cannot choose but become more calculating in social dealings till they start scheming against each other. They always keep a wary eye, as it were, on each other in their association. Such association is of course fragile, especially in this modern age of prevailing sharp conflicts. 要点: 1,“人心不古”指今人的心地失淳朴而流于诈伪,没有古人厚道。慨叹社会风气变坏。知道这个意思就好翻了,译为degeneration of public morality(社会道德的沦丧) 2,cannot choose but do=不得不,“入世既不许你不打算”(双重否定表肯定)意即“使你不得不变得精于计算”~一般否定不好译的时候,我们可以采取正面译法 3,“结果彼此都‘钩心斗角’”译为till they start scheming(欺骗) against each other。注意till的特殊用法,这里指“结果”=so that, finally, and at last. 4, “像七巧板似地只选定了某一方面和对方去接合”这句话比较难理解(文学大家们都太含蓄(⊙v⊙),要深挖深挖其本质含义~那就是!---“人们互相提防,互存戒心地交往”,译为They always keep a wary(小心的,谨慎的) eye, as it were, on each other in their association.其中as it were是插入语,意为“可以说”,起到连接上下文的作用。 A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 囊中有钱,不如朝中有友。 So why not make your ideal friends your treasure, 今天的节目就到这儿,下期节目再见哦 see you(。ò ∀ ó。)