

2022-06-04    61'31''

主播: 古卫东

228 0

Walden [ˈwɔldən] (Issue 175) 14. Former Inhabitants; & Winter Visitors(6) [9] Once more, on the left, where are seen the well and lilac bushes by the wall, in the now open field, lived Nutting and Le Grosse. But to return toward Lincoln. [10] Farther in the woods than any of these, where the road approaches nearest to the pond, Wyman the potter squatted, and furnished his townsmen with earthenware, and left descendants to succeed him. Neither were they rich in worldly goods, holding the land by sufferance while they lived; and there often the sheriff came in vain to collect the taxes, and "attached a chip," for form's sake, as I have read in his accounts, there being nothing else that he could lay his hands on. One day in midsummer, when I was hoeing, a man who was carrying a load of pottery to market stopped his horse against my field and inquired concerning Wyman the younger. He had long ago bought a potter's wheel of him, and wished to know what had become of him. I had read of the potter's clay and wheel in Scripture, but it had never occurred to me that the pots we use were not such as had come down unbroken from those days, or grown on trees like gourds[gʊəds] somewhere, and I was pleased to hear that so fictile[ˈfɪktaɪl] an art was ever practiced in my neighborhood. 一度,在左首,那里的墙边能看到井和丁香花丛,现在是一片开阔的田野,曾住过纳丁和勒•歌罗西。不过眼下回林肯镇那边去了。 比所有这些曾经的住户更远,往林子更深处,那里的路最靠近这湖,住过陶工维曼,为镇子上的人们提供[gōng]陶器,并留下这门手艺给子孙继承。在世俗的财富上他们从不富有,活着的时候能紧抓着大地就足够了;执行官经常到那里去收税都是白跑,装装样子“钉上块小木片”,因为我曾经读过他的说明,那里实在没有什么可拿的东西。仲夏的一天,当我正在锄地,一个男人载着一车陶器去市场,挨着我的田边停下马,冲我问询小维曼。他很久以前冲他买过一个陶工轮子,希望知道他最近怎么样了。我在圣经里读过关于陶工的黏土和轮子之类的事情,可是,我从没想到过我们使用的那些锅碗瓢盆可不是从那些不会破损的日子里传下来,或者结在某处的树上像葫芦,而且我高兴地听说这种陶瓷手艺一直在我的乡里实行着。