

2017-02-07    06'57''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

61 8

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 127. A growing number of customers have been inquiring about the pending price rises. 越来越多的顾客在询问即将出现的价格上涨问题。 128. The damage has not only been to the air the Chinese breath or the water in our rivers, but also to its reputation across the world. 受到损害不仅仅是中所国人呼吸的空气,或者是在我们河流中的河水,而且是中国在整个世界的名声。 129. One cannot do that if he or she is afraid to speak out and say unpopular things; nor can one weigh all of the options unless other people, with differing views, are free to express their beliefs. 一个人如果不敢讲话,不敢说不受人欢迎的事,那么他或她就不能履行自己的职责;而且,除非让持不同意见的人自由表达他们的观点,人们也无法对所有的可能性作出权衡。 130. Plants and trees filter carbon dioxide out of the air and produce oxygen. 植物和树木能滤除空气中的二氧化碳并制造出氧气。 131.On behalf of my Government I have the honour to make to you the following communications. 我荣幸地代表我国政府向您转达如下内容。