

2017-03-27    08'40''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

99 15

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 我是海天考研的咨询师和教务欢姐。负责中华女子学院。有关考研问题欢迎加我微信15810039954.欢姐建有专属的打卡群,会把你拉进群里。群里提交作业和语音,欢姐会给你免费纠音噢。 感谢您的收听!如果您喜欢欢姐的声音,期待您的转发和订阅。您的支持是我前进的动力! 音频配套文本如下: Part 1 词汇小霸王 初级词汇1900 schedule n. 计划表;日程表;时刻表; v. 排定;预定;安排在…; scholar n. 有学问的人;学者;奖学金获得者; scholarship n. 奖学金;学问;学识;学术研究; scientific adj. 科学的;系统的;精细的; scissors n. 剪刀; scream v. 尖叫;高声喊; n. 尖叫声; secure adj. 稳固的;可靠的;稳定的;牢固的;安全的;受到保护的;有自信的;没有顾虑的; v. 使安全;保护;系紧; seed n. 种子;果核; v. 播种; selfish adj. 自私的; sensitive adj. 善解人意的;体恤的;敏感的;易受影响的;过敏的;灵敏的; separate v. 隔开;分居;分清;区别; adj. 不同的;独立的;分开的; servant n. 仆人;佣人; sew v. 缝纫;缝; shade n. 背阴处;阴凉处;遮光物;(复数)太阳镜;阴影部分; v. 遮光; shadow n. 阴影;坏影响;昏暗处; v. 投阴影于;遮蔽; shallow adj. 浅的;不深的;肤浅的;浅薄的; shark n. 鲨鱼; sharp adj. 锋利的;急剧的;明显的;剧烈的;尖刻的;敏锐的;刺耳的;辛辣的;时髦的;线条分明的; shave v. 刮胡子;去毛; sheet n. 床单;被单;纸张;薄板;一大片; shine v. 发光;发亮;照射;放光;表现突出; shock n. 令人震惊的事;惊愕;休克;电击;震动; v. 使震惊;使惊愕;使愤慨; shoot v. 射死;射伤;开枪;射击;捕杀;射门;投篮;拍摄; shopkeeper n. 小店店主; shore n. 岸;滨; shortcoming n. 缺点;短处; shy adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的;害羞的; sigh v./n. 叹气;叹息; silence n. 无声;寂静;沉默; v. 使安静; silk n. 丝绸; silver n. 银; adj. 银制的;银质的; simplify v. 使容易;使简单;简化; sink v. 下沉;沉没;下降;恶化;减少; n. 洗涤槽; ski n. 滑雪板;滑水板; v. 滑雪;滑水; skillful adj. 有技巧的;熟练的; slave n. 奴隶; v. 苦干; sleeve n. 袖子; slight adj. 轻微的;微小的; smog n. 烟雾;雾霾; smooth adj. 光滑的;平滑的;顺利的;流畅的;圆滑的;圆润的;醇和的; v. 抚平;弄平;缓和;  Part 2 真题长难句 For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested animals — no meat, no fur, no medicines. 劈树:本句含有四个谓语,“was”,“encouraged”,“comes from”,“is tested”;其中“comes from”同“is tested”由“or”并列连接,作一个谓语部分;所有本句可以切分为三个分句。 第一分句:For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure; 第二分句:that encouraged readers not to use anything…— no meat, no fur, no medicines; 第三分句:that comes from or is tested animals; 造竹:第一分句为主句;第二分句为“that”引导的定语从句,修饰“a brochure”;第三分句为“that”引导的定语从句,修饰“anything”。 各分句中难词(词组)及在句中的含义: grandmotherly (老奶奶一样的) staff (充当员工) booth (小摊位) fair (集市) brochure (小册子) 分句详解 第一分句:For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure; 主语:a grandmotherly woman 谓语:was distributing 宾语:a brochure 定语:staffing an animal rights booth(修饰a grandmotherly woman) 状语1: For example 状语2: at a recent street fair “a grandmotherly woman”翻译为“一位老奶奶”; “staffing an animal rights booth”翻译为“充当动物权利宣传点工作人员的”; “a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth”翻译为“一位充当动物权利宣传点工作人员的老奶奶”; 第一分句翻译为:例如,最近在街道集市上,一位充当动物权利宣传点工作人员的老奶奶散发小册子; 第二分句:that encouraged readers not to use anything…— no meat, no fur, no medicines; 主语:that 谓语:encouraged 宾语:readers 宾补:not to use anything 插入语:— no meat, no fur, no medicines 第二分句翻译为:小册子(里的内容)提倡读者不要使用任何物品——包括(不要吃)肉,(不要穿戴)皮草和(不要使用)药物; 第三分句:that comes from or is tested animals; 主语:that 谓语:comes from or is tested 宾语:animals 第三分句翻译为:取自动物或在动物身上测试过的(东西); 原文回顾: For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested animals — no meat, no fur, no medicines. 全句翻译为:例如,最近在街道集市上,一位充当动物权利宣传点工作人员的老奶奶散发小册子,小册子(里的内容)提倡读者不要使用任何取自动物或在动物身上测试过的物品——包括(不要吃)肉,(不要穿戴)皮草和(不要使用)药物。 句式结构考点:定语从句嵌套;插入语; 难度级别: 短语背诵: a grandmotherly woman street fair encourage sb. not to do 明日预告 To those who are unaware that animal research was needed to produce these treatments, as well as new treatments and vaccines, animal research seems wasteful at best and cruel at worst.   智慧点滴 Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from indomitable will. 力量不是来自躯体的能力,它来自不屈不挠的意志。