

2017-09-03    03'51''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

4461 155

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ #生活口语8000句#更新啦!同学们可以练习完私信欢姐免费纠音噢(微信565004385) ▲今天的口语句子文本如下↓ 9-3租房辛酸谁知道 Renting a House ①这幢楼里还有空房间吗? Are there any vacant rooms in this building? ②房租多少钱? How much is the rent? ③押金多少钱? How much is the deposit?④有家具吗? Is it furnished? ⑤你是房东吗? Are you the landlord? ⑥请问这里有公寓要出租吗? Are there any apartments to let? ⑦我可以看看这间公寓吗?May I take a look around this apartment?
上一期: 考研长难句0903
下一期: 考研长难句0904