

2017-09-25    04'31''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

7960 148

#生活口语8000句#更新啦!同学们可以练习完私信欢姐免费纠音噢(微信565004385) ▲今天的口语句子文本如下↓ 状况5 同意 Agreement 1. 我同意。I agree. 2. 你的想法很好!Your idea is good! 3. 你对了。You are right. 4. 我没意见。I have no objection. 5. 我支持你。I support you. 6.你的决定是对的。Your decision is correct. 7. 我也是这么想的。That’s what I was thinking. 8. 算我一个。Count me in. 9. 我想我只能听你的了。I would just like to listen to you. 10. 你可以这么做了。You can do it this way.  
上一期: 考研长难句0925
下一期: 考研长难句0926