

2017-10-02    07'19''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

144 4

Unit 4Suggestions to a Customer向客户提建议Top Sentences典型例句1.I just want to deposit my salary and use this account to pay for the things I buy at department stores once a month.我只想把工资存起来,并且用这个账户来支付每月一次在百货商场所买的东西。2.It'll be a good idea for you to open a cheque account.您还是开立一个支票账户为好。3.I noticed that you have several different types of accounts.我发现你们有几种不同种类的存款。4.You can make your cheques out anytime you want to spend your money.当您花钱时,您可用支票支付。5.There's no minimum balance required and the service charge is only 25 cents for each check that you write.没有存款余额的要求,您每支取一张支票的手续费是25美分。6.I'd like to recommend the passbook of the Time and Current Deposit Network Service Account.我向您推荐"定活一本通"。7.You needn't carry lots of papers along with you to the bank to renew the maturity date.你就不必随身携带存单来银行办理转存了。8.Usually we offer current or fixed accounts for individuals.我们通常为个人开办活期账户和定期账户。9.If you open a fixed account, the interest rate is higher.如果您开的是定期账户,您就能享受较高的利率。10.I was wondering if you'd ever thought of conversing the unused RMB back into Japanese yen later.我想知道您是否考虑过以后要把没有用完的人民币兑换回日元。